Friday, November 19, 2010

" Murphy-boy" - My opinion about debt - there!

Debt's awful. I hope this thread doesn't become full of finger wagging and baby boomers who benefited from free education and affordable homes throwing rocks at 22 year olds who've put too much on their credit card.
I've got debt (credit card, graduate loan etc) and I hate it. I have a decent job and I can generally make all my payments but it eats way too much of my disposable income. I'd like to be able to go on holiday every year, and currently I can't. I'm managing too well to be helped by any charities or for IVA to be an option - but it still isn't fun. The CCCS web app just says: reduce your spending on meals at work. Basically I'm doing everything I can, and just about managing (although having to put at least one supermarket shop and travelcard payment a month on Visa does not seem like managing to me). No one ever mentions "increase your income" as a debt solution. You only ever hear "reduce your outgoings". But for me I think the only solution that remains is to find a better paid job.
I am anticipating a redundancy payment next March which, assuming I can find a new job and I don't have to live off it, will help me clear more than half of it (it's a funny thing to be looking forward to), then I think I'm going to have to leave the charity sector and move to something more lucrative. Which is not really what I want to do but I can't see any other option. Hey ho. Wish me luck.traian basescu,emil boc.vadim.radu tudor,imobiliare,restaurante,,

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