Sunday, July 22, 2012

With the EU there is no such thing as a bottomless pit.

The EU elites Barasso and Rumpy Pumpy included will never give up on their giant corrupt ponzi scheme, their mega salaries and mind blowing pension ; one way or the other the euro fall will be one of this biggest failure in modern history. It will end; when all the people from the austerity ridden countries rise up and topple their Governments. The EU will then collapse like a pack of cards. Good riddance, can't wait for the day!And so this ongoing financial analysis goes on! Stimulus, austerity or a combination of both? I can't see any of the above scenarios working. Austerity and the Western engine of the world economy spirals into decline, taking the BRICS with it. Stimulus and money printing and we end up like Zimbabwe. There's no magical growth on the horizon to pull us out of this spiral, at least nowhere near enough. Kicking the can ever further down the road won't work. You could save a lot of time and effort Ambrose and just tell us we're all bu**ered. One day the world will move on, but there will be a very different political and economic landscape. A New World Order: perhaps?? I think after a couple of years of frustrated viewing we are starting to see the 'markets' (whoever the people are that make up the 'market' they seem to be extremely gullible) FINALLY cottoning on to the fact that the pantry is bare and there is no solution to the Euro that doesn't involve the end of the Euro. As the saying goes "you can't fool all of the people all of the time"; well the time of fooling everyone except themselves seems to be running out for the EU 'elite' and they are going to be eating humble pie sooner now I think rather than later. Mind you they do have a remarkable capacity for dragging this out while they feather their own nests, but we do seem to be getting close to the end game finally...


Anonymous said...

Bank secrecy masks a world of crime and destructionBanks seem willing to exploit the loopholes found in tax havens and it's costing the British taxpayer dear" (source: the guardian)…If anybody has actually read any of my postings and comments, which is not at all certain since I do not read other blogs, posts and comments, they will have seen how I have been advocating the end of Tax Havens and fancy avoidance schemes for years. I have been saying we are in a world war: the 1% against the 99%. It was in my report sent to Governments in 2009: A MORAL PATH TO RECOVERY, which can still be read on my blog's archived posts, I maintain that Wealth Management, offered by the big banks, is code word for tax evasion on a massive scale. It has grown into a major industry of the rich for the rich, by the rich actually sponsored by Governments which have allowed the privileged elite to avoid paying taxes. And we wonder why our countries are in debt and the economies stagnating. The banks have been exposed as virtually corrupt, fraudulent, criminal organizations and yet not one single banker has been brought to justice. The 13 trillion dollars hidden away as calculated by the Tax Justice Network simply must be recovered if Europe and America are to survive as democracies. The 99% just cannot support any more austerity measures, cut backs and increased taxes. That is the simple choice we face. The 1% know they cannot hold out for ever but they seem too shortsighted to understand that if the majority sinks they will go down too....Well, as long as we allow banks to hold a license to create money as debt, there will be no solution to this or any of the other corrupt activities of banks. Take away their power to do something and they will buy it back with the stroke of a pen. Banks are masters of our universe - but ONLY because we allow them to create 97% of our money supply when they extend loans. Until we restore the utility of money to a public accountable body in the national interest the bankers (in collusion with the political power they can buy so easily) will do as they please.

Anonymous said...


So? The US is currently one of the richest, if not the richest country in the world and a number of its states and cities are broke, or near broke. What has one thing got to do with the other? How does the Eurozone having the highest combined value of cash circulating help the near disastrous situation in Greece (its Great Depression in Samaris' words) the downward spiral of the Spanish economy, or the potentially explosive situation in Italy? I would really like to know, as would a bunch a guys in Brussels.



1 minute ago


Yes the US is broke and states have filed for bankruptcy....and they owe $16 trillion which their Senators have admitted they cannot repay....only the interest payments.......just.....oh and they are printing money that is rapidly becoming worthless paper.....and enjoy a reputation for exporting nasty schemes that cause toxic debt problems.......

A bit of a different modus operandi for the sober minded Europeans........but then again they have had rather more practice at running things over several thousands of years........