TRUTH IS : Private sector activity shrank for the tenth time in 11 months
Who on earth is investing to raise these stock markets so high? If I were
Warren Buffet I would say this is a typical bubble Companies are not making real
profits Banks aren't either so who is doing the investing????...Bond yields
are down, oil prices high, USA crops are devastated by drought, housing in USA
is still very much wasted. So are "the powers that be" simply doing what
analysts do talking up the benefits of share ownership until even "my mate Joe
Blw" decides that investing in stocks beats keeping his money under the
mattresse ? I have had it with markets banks and politicians lies and deceits.
I am closing all my banking accounts and simply paying in earwigs from now on.We
are living in the Alice of Wonderland World. The more bad economic data we gets,
the more the worlds stock markets rise..... Hopes that Europe’s leaders will act
decisively drowned out weak data showing the eurozone endured another torrid
month in July. Private sector activity shrank for the tenth time in 11 months
and pointed to a 0.6pc rate of quarterly contraction, according to the
purchasing managers index. Offsetting that was the strong US jobs data. July
saw 163,000 people find work in the world’s largest economy, beating forecasts
of 100,000. The sense of relief was sharpened because almost all the recent US
data have pointed to a deterioration since the first quarter of the year. “It
will alleviate fears that the US might be tipping back into recession,” said
Nigel Gault, an economist at IHS Global Insight. The utterly repellent EU freak
show stumbles from crisis to crisis, a crisis which conveniently gives the
bureaucrats an excuse to force member countries into a fiscal union with budget
control being handed over to Brussels, effectively crushing the last breath of
democracy of the nation state in favor of an EU super state, but the light of
freedom, sovereignty, cultural identity and the ability to decide one owns
destiny will not be extinguished whilst the euro sceptics still have a voice.
The common market worked well, that is where Europe should be heading not more
Europe.....However : While U.S. employers hired an additional 163,000 "human
resources" they also sacked an additional 195,000 "human resources" last month,
including a decrease of 228k full-time jobs which was only partially offset by a
31k rise in part-time jobs (defined as 1 to 34 hrs/wk). Furthermore, a new group
of 199,000 Americans joined the "Working-Age" pool last month and will need jobs
as well. Not only is the U.S. economy in such a severe situation as reported,
it is, in fact, in a worse one. Currently some 87 million Americans, or about
36% of the working-age population of the U.S., are no longer even looking for
work and are considered "out of the labor force." If it were not for workers who
dropped out of the labor force, the real UE rate would be far north of 11%. All
of this MSM "rah-rah" reporting and "growth and recovery" hopium smoking needs a
reality check.
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