Monday, June 10, 2013

The point here is why Christine Lagarde was allowed to become chief of the IMF. It was obvious the EU put her in to save the Euro at any cost to individual countries or the IMF.
Truly disgraceful and obvious when she was announced head of the IMF. She is being investigated for corruption in France for gods sake. This leaked memo basically admits Lagarde forced the IMF to make the loans to Greece on terms it would never make to normal distressed countries and against the advice of her advisors at the IMF. This is surely a form of corruption and warrants a proper investigation. Also don't forget the UK is a large contributor to the IMF and if the IMF doesn't get its money back the UK will be taking a  hit. You see the good old EU got the UK to fund the Euro bailouts even when Cameron insisted they wouldn't. The two most recent French Directors General of the IMF, Strauss-Kahn and Lagarde  have failed their shareholders and the world.  Instead of assisting the EZ to dismantle itself by persuading the peripheral countries to revert to their own currencies in order to experience economic growth and the resurgence of hope, these two EU utopianisms used their position to channel shareholders' funds into this insane and doomed irrationality, thereby throwing good money after bad in a preposterously reckless fashion and stretching out the agony for their blighted peoples.  As southern Europe bursts into flames and blood flows in the streets, we will all know where the IMF leaders belong - in the dock!... Southern Europe may be a bit depressed, and the societies are traditionally cautious and conservative. But please don't think their published figures are correct. They omit the enormous 'black economies' that are presently supporting the south. Spain, for example, is estimated to have another 30% above the published stats, and that's the government's own estimate, hardly likely to be an overestimate. There may be riots one day but not in the near future.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gingava semiretardata spala banii lui taticu basescu - cei aproape 40 de miliarde de euro ( 4000 de milioane ) pe care ii avea in casetele de valori si conturi cu cifru in lichtenstein si elvetia, insulele engleze si luxemburg au fost transferati inainte de criza cipriota cind cele doua gingave s-au deplasat impreuna cu udrea in dubai, malta si emirate scos banii din tarile zonei euro si nu mai are de ce sa mai mearga acolo ...ziaristii stiu asta, dar nu scriu nimic despre acest subiect