I think its fair to say the greeks like the other so called europigs bought a pig in a poke when they joined the euro disaster designed by the French and german elites, who in their rush to create a euro super state to rival the u.s.a after the collapse of the ussr, overlooked one little detail they did not consult their people, ofc the most evil of all were the greedy, corrupt ,self-serving, parasitic elites of the now uropigs who couldn't wait to jump on the urogravy train and fill their boots, irk , Greece , Portugal, cyprus being the worst offenders ofc the elites have left the working class holding the can who are now debt serfs for a longtime to come, in the case of pious irk the bankers, politicos, and those in the upper ranks of the public service who presided over this grotesque fiasco are mostly still in place or retired on huge fat pensions, lol isn't the upside down logic of the eurofarce ever so fascinating...The Greek public sector were all on the take and Greek industry and farmers were grabbing every EU subsidy available by fair means or foul, when the house of cards fell down who gets hurt the most, mainly the ordinary man in the street.Greece should get the hell out of the EU and try to get back to some standards of fiscal behavior which suit it's new status as a poor country. The EU and the IMF saved Greece from a much worse fate then it is in now.
All the so called commentators who predicted the 'collapse' of the Euro were wrong and are wrong so now they have to find another way to spread pessimism and mistruths.
As many people have pointed out it was the Greek people and not the EU, who fiddled the taxes, had a huge public sector, institutionalized corruption. The EU has stabilized Greece and saved its butt if truth be told. Which is why the pro EU parties are the most popular in Greece and not the negative, isolationist parties that offer nothing but division and solipsism.
"Greece has survived its ordeal without revolution or civil war. If that is a vindication of EMU debt-crisis strategy and the greater Project, the bar is set low."
In spite of AEP's many dire warnings of Greek default, exit from the Eurozone and the domino-effects on Portugal, Spain and Italy, the Eurozone has not only survived the Greek fiasco but has done so without losing any members but gaining one. The Euro is also the strongest of major currencies despite which the three Med countries are achieving record exports.
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Moscow and western capitals are involved in an increasingly bitter war of words over who is to blame for the crisis, which is becoming steadily more violent. The Ukrainian government launched further military operations against pro-Russian separatists on Friday, having killed up to five rebels on Thursday.
The Ukrainian prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, made the strongest comments yet on Friday when he accused Russia of trying "to start world war three" and acting like a gangster.
The US says Russia is fomenting unrest and separatist sentiment in eastern Ukraine following its annexation of the strategic Crimean peninsula. Russia accuses the US of encouraging a pro-western government in Kiev to adopt anti-Russian policies.
In its most explicit comments yet on the apparent collapse of last week's agreement, the US on Thursday directly accused Russia of reneging on the Ukrainian peace deal.
"Since Geneva, Russia has failed not only to provide public support for the de-escalation of tensions but has actively stoked tensions in eastern Ukraine by engaging in inflammatory rhetoric," the state department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, told reporters.
"The secretary of state has spoken with foreign minister Lavrov six times since Geneva and he has never once taken responsibility for the implementation of Russia's Geneva commitments and he has gone so far as to say the Geneva agreement demands no action from Russia."
Officials in Washington also angrily rejected Moscow's characterisation of clashes with Ukrainian soldiers that raised tensions between the two cold war foes to dangerously high levels.
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