Thursday, May 8, 2014

Money needs to go where you need it to go. Private banks only lend a small fraction of what they could lend into industry because of the risk. With private banks creating 97% of all new broad money into the economy in the form of debt the kind of change you want wont happen. Private banks prefer to speculate in derivatives and property or use it to rig LIBOR rates, so doing the same old thing like QE doesn't work. banks dont give a damn about social policy that government wants to follow they go where the profit is, which most definitely are not social projects where the people want it to go. Private banks control the money so believe me when i say they will not give that control up without regulation and another form of money reform its just not in their interest. We need a sovereign money creation economy, where the introduction of money is done centrally where government and the people want it to go, not where the banks want it to go.
Most economists don't include money creation in their models of the economy , which is completely crazy, because if you don't count money in the economic models you cant see what effects it has. 
The best way to really understand how a sovereign money system would operate is to seek sites about how this can be done. has a lot of very good ideas if you can go through the literature. 
Its also very interesting to see that most people talk in banking circles about fractional reserve banking, but that doesn't happen , it doesn't exist. 
Here is a link to the Bank of England quarterly report that proves that a) 97% of all money is created by private banks and b) fractional reserve banking is a much vaunted but not a truthful explanation of banking in the modern economy.
Banks (private) do not work the way you think they do. They do not lend savers money into the economy, they create the debt electronically and add interest. There are not enough savers in the world to cover the debt that is lent by banks(not even a tiny fraction of that debt) How many grannies savings accounts would you need to cover lending to just the U.K.'s mortgages? never mind the $634 Trillion debt the U.S. carries, its laughable really that we fell for it. 
This massive amount of debt IS 97% CREATED BY BANKS.  So sovereign money is the solution.

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