Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nobody can say what would have happened without the EU and the EZ. Better or worse? It is a guessing game. As far as France is concerned our difficulties stem from our home grown socialist stupidity over the last 30 years. 35 hour week, 60 year old retirement, plethora of government employees, 15,000 pages of abstruse labour law. None of this was inspired by Bruxelles but by Hollande and his fellow travellers. Without the EZ Hollande would be devaluing, spending, wasting and destroying the country more than he is. Instead he has been forced to fire his government and bring in Vals who is of the modern left. Mm by mm we are making some sensible reforms, finally.
No a lot of people don't like it, many would like to believe that they can tax the companies and the wealth creators forever, that the banks will lend and lend. And the Euro is made a scapegoat as the imposer of economic reality. But the Latins of Europe are facing up to reality and modernising their economies. Thatcher did it in Britain, don't forget the ten years of strife and the year long strike, the euro is doing it for us.
The world doesn't revolve around the UK but our joining the EU has been a disaster for us & the other members. Our joining gave some comfort to the other members that the EU was a legitimate democratic organisation & not a Franco/German hegemony.
When we leave, the reality will quickly be grasped by those continental countries & they will start the process of dismantling it. Hopefully this will happen before German expansionism once again draws Europe into a war ,this time with Russia....
I - like the author - love the culture of Europe. The food and wine, the national differentials. The very things the EU tries to standardise and reduce to the lowest common denominator are the things I celebrate and enjoy. But in no way do I feel European. I struggle to feel "British" at the moment because my country, my United Kingdom, is under attack from within and without to break it up and make it into a group of bland, anodyne European regions. I am left with defending my Englishness. Replicate that across 400 million European citizens and is it any wonder that nationalism (in whichever form fits the country mind-set) is rising? The stigma attached to "National Socialism" will not stop nationalism rising to the top in the Euro elections. The EU is rotten to the core, sucks the life-blood out of the constituent Nation States and should be consigned to the scrap heap of history.
Just face it - the EU is an abortion, a giant mistake and it only gets worse.The whole idea is crap - these idiots argue that to enjoy a bottle of chianti and a bowl of spag sauce and visit the Parthenon, you need a vast, unelected, incompetent and unaccountable bureaucracy that ruins everything it touches. You don't - enjoying foreign cultures and visiting foreign countries has F A to do with European integration, it never did. There are plenty of things that are possible without the EU and the euro. Yes, a free trade Europe is an excellent idea, but the EU has never been about free trade and never will, so let's forget about this red herring and get the hell out of this stupid, pointless mess.
The EU recovery is a lie to protect the banking system and this so called nascent recovery is based on OMT it is based on a transfer union and it is based on joint and several liability bonds which do not exist. In short the whole thing is hocus pocus.
Germany did not sign up to a transfer union nor will they ever. In reality, the recovery can be knocked sideways with a feather. Along comes Putin and the biggest Black Swan event for decades. How long do you really think the hocus pocus Euro is going to last before it is found out? Again!! I'd give it six months max. The EU is a destroyer of economies, countries, populations, cultures even language. The EU story is the road to serfdom.
The EU is a prostitute, a true femme fatale... that has trapped many nations that now have denied their sovereignty to a eurocracy unelected and without the mandate of the people. People want a participative democracy and not one with the manufactured consent of mass media. And certainly not a "democracy" which works as a "department" of a big Bank.
My relatives and friends in Greece, in the last five years have had continuous pay cuts (around 45-50%) and after the huge increases in taxation (and one "offs"), deposable income is not possible even if both parents work in a family of two children. And those families who try and survive on one income or none, rely on the extended family and the church just to pay for essential "living". The ongoing joke in Greece (due to the massive increases in land tax) from Parents to Children is now "behave or I will hand over the property title to the family home to you"...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This does not adress the fundamental issues:
1 - For a country like Spain, the euro is way overvalued and puts the country in a hopeless situation.
2 - Trade agreements. Here in Spain manufacturing has been dismantled, and now everything comes from China. We have Chinese bazaars on every street, and Spanish stores closing, Spanish factories closing. If we do not manufacture things, debt continues to climb and climb.

Mr. Piketty you know a lot more than I do, but your debate is about the crumbs that fall off the table. Is Hillary Clinton or Obama any better than the Republican candidate? not much - they are all sales representatives of the Regime. And as long as we have a EU, the same thing over here.
I will vote anti EU and anti euro, in national elections. For a social Europe to exist, we need a new agreement, or no agreement at all. Social democracy existed in Europe before the EU.
What hope do we have if the president of the ECB comes from Goldman Sachs? the financial speculation cartels have infiltrated the EU.
A monstruosity like the Trans Atlantic Trade Agreement (God save us from it) - the greatest attempt in history to dismantle the way of life of an entire continent (Europe): I do not want to belong to an organization like the EU that implements this behind my back.
Better for each European country to decide on their own.