Sunday, May 18, 2014

The european project is reducing the middle classes to subsistence wages. The whole deal on integration has made many in the EU much richer and many much poorer and a few very very wealthy. Guess whose making up the rules. Who never have had an audit on accounts passed.
Competing with the globe was one thing for exports and manufacturing, competing with some of the poorest individuals for work,housing, hospital care and schooling. Was not the EU we voted for........!
Apart from EU geeks and insiders who cares if its Juncker or Schullz ? Lib Lab con dont , they care about 2015 instead and rightly so.
Re arranging the EU deck chairs is missing the point . With rise of pro democracy parties througout Europe to challenge the anti democracy creed of ever closer union its time to design what comes after the EU an association of free nations with visible open national parliaments accountable to the people with only recommendations ... not laws coming from Brussels of whatever.
Mass open door immigration , deeply and multi aspect damaging to the people in UK but beloved by big business and EU federalists is the tipping point of public anger at the political elite, EU , and political consensus. the wave of anti democracy bigotry and demonisation coming from authoritarians outraged at the pleb revolt and how they vote and will vote in may is damaging not helping the pro Eu cause.
We live in interesting times with the healthy prospect being replacing the unacountable grey EU figures by more visible more direct and more accountable national democracy....More vacant tired pro European rhetoric. You talk of dialogue, dialogue and more bloody dialogue, how long has "Europe" been in 'dialogue' with the monstrous leviathan that is the inept body EU? All that 'dialogue' and we are still bitter and resentful at EU scaremongering, corruption and inefficiency. No more bloody dialogue, an end to dialogue, a start for action, via votes that disengage the mechanism of 'dialogue'. Dialogue is what the brixlles delapidators incorporated would have us doing unto the void. When did talking about action become more esteemed than ACTUAL action, when did promising to promise, become more valid than fulfilling that promise? No more dialogue, we simply and loudly demand more freedom to behave as independent states, less 'dialogue' about what those freedoms may entail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Legrain argues that Europe should have tackled its banks' problems much sooner than mid-2012, when it decided to create a (still incomplete) banking union. A big reason why America has recently grown faster than Europe is that it did more to sort ...