Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Global warming for sure!...hahaha, hihihi......

It is a barren landscape so remote that even the locals call it "the end of the world." Now the bleak tundra of Russia's remote Yamal peninsula has been scarred by a vast crater that has left scientists baffled and internet users looking for extra terrestrial explanations. Discovered by helicopter pilots who post video footage of their find in the remote Yamal peninsula on Youtube, the the scar in the otherwise barren tundra resembles a crater caused by a large explosion. At 50 to 80 meters across, the hole would be large enough to land several of the Mi-8 transport helicopters flown by the pilots who found it.
I think it's most likely to be a weapons test. Check out this local video & you'll see it's very near "surgical!". The immediate area appears to also be carbonated with very limited debris around the circumference....
I'd say a weapons test, most likely. Publicly declared spectral beam combining laser's are already well into the 100's of KW & speculation is rife of the 1-2GW equivalents in secret research & test on both sides of "East V West!". 1GW is more than capable of blowing a 100ft crater in the earths crust, no problem. Could also do that if it was mounted in space too, let alone the fighter aircraft & war ships they will soon be fitting out with it.


Anonymous said...

I hear that one idiot woman scientist has stated that it is caused by global warming! You know, the warming we have not had for fifteen years. So now we have: wet weather - global warming, dry weather - global warming, hurricanes - global warming, normal expected weather - global warming, holes in the ground - yes, global warming. And we are expected to take these people seriously.

Anonymous said...

Space based weapon? Perfect testing site for it. Would have ought that if like the article suggests, it were a subterranean explosion there would be more debris scattered and the hole wouldn't have been so big/deep due to collapse and infill. Death Star prototype is all I can suggest!!

Anonymous said...

Space based weapon? Perfect testing site for it. Would have ought that if like the article suggests, it were a subterranean explosion there would be more debris scattered and the hole wouldn't have been so big/deep due to collapse and infill. Death Star prototype is all I can suggest!!