Saturday, February 14, 2015

Alexis Tsipras outlined a broad range of measures last night, to unravel the austerity programme that Greece has endured since 2010.
Teneo Intelligence has helpfully rounded up the key commitments, which MPs will vote on tomorrow night:
  • Abolish the single property tax (ENFIA) and replace it with another tax targeting large real estate properties.
  • Re-increase the tax-free threshold to €12k (from its current €5K).
  • Restore the 13th pension for gross monthly pensions below €700 from end 2015.
  • Introduce subsidized meals for families living below the poverty line.
  • Rehire 3,500 civil servants who lost their jobs as a result of the mobility scheme introduced by the previous government in the public sector. However, this number would be subtracted from the 15,000 recruitments scheduled for this year.
  • Raise the monthly minimum wage in the private sector from €586 (or €510 for under-25s) to its 2011 level of €751 by 2016.
  • Restore collective wages bargaining with the advice of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
  • Extend the existing ban on foreclosures of primary residences.
  • Stop new privatizations, but extend concessions when in the national interest.
  • Introduce legislation enabling the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) to exercise its full voting rights with no restrictions in recapitalized banks.
  • Repel legislation providing immunity to the members of the boards of the HFSF, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) and the Bank of Greece.
  • Introduce a new ‘stable, simple and fair’ tax system and fight corruption and tax evasion.
  • Introduce a comprehensive reform of Greece’s public sector.

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