Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Walk away Greece. The EU is humiliating your nation. Your problem solution approach is flawed.
You must default. The disruptions of a default will soon sort themselves out as your own currency takes over.  At the moment the old guard of the political elite of Greece and the EU are trying to dethrone the new government of Greece in order to bring about a change of government in Greece that will toe the EU line. Also it is the intention of the EU to influence the outcome of the upcoming elections of Spain and others by doing this.  The future of Greece is not the Euro. It is a new currency. The Euro has no future. It is a currency designed for only one nation and that is Germany. The German nation has skills and resources that most other EU nations do not have. This will always be the case and this thus creates an economic mismatch among countries other than Germany in the EU. Britain for example uses the pound stirling and survives economically as a result of this. The Euro would not suit the British economy, as the Euro does not suit the Economy of Greece.,,
Greece will neither choose to leave the Eurozone, nor will Greece be ejected from the Eurozone by the Eurozone mafia. There must be 'ever closer union'. There will be 'ever closer union'. The Eurozone is a means to an end. The end is a European superstate. It's vital to understand this.
If necessary, Greece will be crushed by the Eurozone mafia. Indeed, any Eurozone country foolish enough to think that it can escape the Euro currency is deluded.
The European institutions are run by political fanatics, with virtually no meaningful democratic accountability. These people will push on and on and on with this project - of creating a European superstate - at all and any cost.  I used to think that there was a certain level of accountability and rationality underpinning the Grand European Project. There isn't. The Eurozone/European Union is a soft-getting-harder-by-the-day tyranny. Like I said, Greece will be crushed in to remaining in the Euro come what may.

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