Saturday, June 27, 2015

A friend of mine died of cancer last week. He was in his fifties. Borrow as much as you can and spend it.

This is sound advice, because the worst is yet to come . . . by far.  If cash is to be held, it should be in dollars, because the United States is likely to fare better than other countries.   See https://naegeleblog.wordpress.... ("The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup")   Almost anything could trigger a crisis in today’s environment globally.   However, one of the greatest risks that has been perceived in Washington for many years is that a run would begin on the funds, which the central banks would be helpless to quell, leading to a liquidity crisis of unfathomable proportions.  The Depression-era tools and “safety nets” would prove useless, and panics would ensue.  Unlike American bank deposits that are insured by the FDIC, the funds are not insured at all.There are new laws in America to prevent us from withdrawing too much money from our own bank accounts. If we go beyond the federal limits, the federal government begins to investigate us.  They've been confiscating cash from depositors for years without court order or reasonable cause, just because businesses like the local diner had lots of cash receipts during the day and wanted to deposit it each day after the lunch crowd left. Too many large cash deposits in one week and the feds swoop in, confiscate it, and you have to sue to get it back. Welcome to the New America ... Of course the things are about to crash hard. Wall Street has been flooded with cash from the Fed and this has over inflated stocks (an that's inflation)  which caused a BOOM on Wall Street while their was a very slow recovery in the economy. NOW THE CHICKENS WILL COME HOME TO ROOST. It will get ugly!!

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