Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What the EU has failed to realize is that Greece does not actually need more taxes or higher rates anywhere close to it needing far more aggressive efforts to collect its already existing tax rates and raising the rates only results in more aggressive efforts at tax evasion among Greeks.
The IMF as lender of last resort has made absolutely clear its position that the Greek debt must be reduced to an amount Greece can realistically pay or it will not lend any further funds to Greece. It is tired of listening to Greece as a constant beggar that at times has spent 457% of its actual tax revenue and lied about its budget to get into the Euro Zone in the first place.  Instead of trying to squeeze money out of Greece, Germany and its partners should be mandating the construction by some of their own manufactures of factories or facilities in Greece so that the Greek GDP can grow enough to make the debt payments realistically doable without continuing further borrowing...It is plain to see that the path for Greece is to default and leave the EU and Euro behind.  Once it has done this, the IMF will assist Greece as its debt load will have mostly disappeared. The people of Greece must realize that there is no future for Greece in the EU. In fact there is not future for the EU in its present format either. The EU has become what it never was proposed to be. That is a destabilizing entity tearing nations apart, with one nation Germany demanding that all nations follow the German model and using its money power to enforce its will.
Ms Merkel must step down, as too should the president of the EU. The decision making of Ms Merkel is faulty, also the EU President seems to be pandering to the wishes of the German political leader as it seems are several other EU member nations. The German political party in power seems to be forcing Ms Merkel to do anything to keep it in power. Remain in power at all costs seems to be M Merkel´s political party war cry.

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