We should test all cars....
We should test all cars. Given that VW has been doing this for such a long time, that the car companies all monitor each other very closely, and that the performance of these cars is so close across producers, I can't believe that this is limited to just BWM and VW. The Germans and Austrians stuck chemicals in their wine, therefore why not frig their car software as well?... Katastrophe for German car companies - probably not just VW. And likely serious damage to the whole German economy, which is based to a remarkable extent on their car industry. And let's hope, Katastrophe to the current ruling parties in Germany, who are also responsible for the massive influx of illegal immigrants into that country. These people are not "refugees", by international and EU law, they are immigrants. Some of them may achieve asylum status and become refugees but likely many or most will be declared illegal immigrants and will have to be deported....This comes hard on the heels of the Austro-German wine scandal which occurred only thirty years ago - the mere blink of an eye in reputational terms - in which German and Austrian wine producers and bottlers were caught red-handed and subsequently found guilty of adulterating their wines with toxic di-ethylene glycol (anti freeze to you and me) in order to improve the quality. (I kid you not.) In what then blew up into a global scandal, several prison sentences were awarded in both Germany and Austria, and at least one suicide followed. Which gives rise to two thoughts on the subject. Firstly, how many prison sentences can we expect in this day and age for the VW deception, and secondly, why do Germans still find it so hard to learn lessons from their past?
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