Access Investments-Building Awareness - European Union-ROMANIA
Monday, October 5, 2015
What is sad is that the IMF has lent more money to a bankrupt country i.e. Greece when it knows that it cannot be repaid in this or the next lifetime..And just to make sure it cannot the EU has forced Greece to adopt a corporate tax rate of 29% when its neighbours have a corporate tax rate of 10 to 15%...Just to make sure that no company opens up IN Greece or employs anyone to pay taxes.. So Greece is been forced to go belly up in 2 to 3 years time when it will more rather than less ...It is an absolute joke..Big changes are required to the IMF. Its executives past and present should come under criminal investigation. The IMF should be banned form dealing with the EU. The EU is a multi nation organisation well able to fund its own bail out programs. The Managing Director of the EU needs to be replaced. In addition all IMF financing decisions should be laid before the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) to received their stamp of approval before loans to debtor nations are given out. It is ridiculous that the IEO is making comment now. Their early involved would have saved Greece from disaster...Lagarde is a puppet for France. No EU citizen should ever be the Managing Director of the IMF. Self interest was obviously the plan to put Lagarde in the role. The EU is a shady organisation with manipulative intent. The EU politics continue to smell as the VW scandal demonstrates. The IMF has lost all credibility as the IEO confirms. The rest of us new it years ago as the Greece debacle continued and eventually confirmed the inept handling of the Greek situation by the IMF and the EU. The IMF should never have had anything to do with EU member nations. ( Would the IMF ever bail out California. Of course not as it comes under the responsibility of the government of the USA). Corruption! Corruption! It is everywhere. The IMF and the EU stink of it.
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