Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris terror attacks an alarm bell for a borderless Europe - adio Shengen !

What to do - a few things that the European countries should do :
1. Leave EU. It serves no useful purpose.
2. Profile. Close borders to anyone who will not quickly and easily assimilate into British society.
3.Intern. Extreme threat calls for extreme counter measures .
4. Expel. (See 2 above.)
5. Never again allow those stupide idiot politicians who allowed my precious country to be so defiled , the oxygen to repeat their multi-cultural enrichment lies...
How do you close the barn door? The enemy is both within and without and it's all because of the EU. You, Europens need to get out of the EU before you're totally Merkelized...Above all, we must realise that although this atrocity will change things in France quite profoundly, it is an alarm call to the rest of Europe, to us, and to the whole of Western civilization.

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