Sunday, February 7, 2016

We must decide whether the European Union is worth saving

The present EU is an enfeebled and retarded offspring of the 3rd Reich, but one can still see the DNA traits and family similarities. Like its grand-daddy, this Reich has the Southern countries beholden to Germany as near colonies, it has pan-European rule from an ideological and corrupt bureaucratic center, and above all, a German leader is pursuing a massive utopian, so-called progressive, racial, social engineering scheme, which is being forced down the throats of both Germans and Europeans, which all will eventually lead Europe into an abyss...If the EU is doomed to deflationary underachievement thanks to its structural incoherence, then we are confronted with a land of the living dead in which existence is punctuated only by volcanic eruptions. This does not seem like the worst is over at all....EU = Eternal Uncertainty. When is that simple message going to be articulated? Membership of the Common Market, correction EEC, correction EU has been one long, non-stop wrangle with Brussels, its agenda-driven, calculating jobs worth's and apparatchiks moving the goal posts year-on-year. How can anyone view that as the norm for a  healthy accountable democracy?  The EU is a corrupt concept - through and through - based on the two main losers of WW2 forcing the rest of the continent into an economic and political straitjacket so as to maintain a semblance of peaceful co-existence between themselves.

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