Monday, January 16, 2012

The "Question ...."

The question that needs to be asked is whether or not we can afford to maintain Europe united . Britain, USA and many non-euro countries such as Romania , which are outside the Euro currency zone are helping to bail out Europe through the back door of the IMF even though their own economies are in jeopardy. The European Union, apart from being costly to maintain, is undemocratic in its decisions, with unelected/ unaccountable commissioners taking decisions that cannot be overruled by a parliament which has a president "elected by consensus". If German /French proposals are approved , the commission will take control of European fiscal policy , but no one questions the differing judicial systems within the EU.

The individual judicial systems responsible for applying the European constitution , better known as the Lisbon Treaty Judicial Systems which in many EU countries is controlled by judges appointed by government, countries where the average court case can last for twenty years. A costly united Europe competing in a globalized world has brought poverty to a vast majority of its citizens. Surely it is time for a change of course . Perhaps reverting to the old system ,when we could hold our elected representatives responsible and make our own agreements with trading partners , a system which helped develop Europe after the second world war, a system that worked well until someone "globalized" it.

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