Monday, October 8, 2012

What has Weimar to do with the Greece ...????? nothing !!!!

I was in Greece a few weeks ago, people are living on nothing, some people have not been paid in months, others surive on low salaries while the social welfare system is nowhere near good enough.  Greek people are being crushed, their livelihoods are being crushed, their spirit is being crushed, their country is being crushed.  If this EU is assisting in that process rather than stepping in to try and assist and find proactive ways forward then the whole damn thing should be wrapped up as a monumental failure, it simply has not performed in the way the founding fathers envisaged as it is all stick and no carrot. Debt on debt, austerity and stupid statements out of  Berlin and Brussels from mult-millionaire natzies like The Governor designated of Greece - Horst Reichenbach... who know next to nothing about deep personal and financial struggle.
What has Weimar to do with the Greeks?  Fake Left and Neo-Fascist Right keep on talking about ...Weimar.  Greece never was an imperialist power. It is almost  a banana republic. It is currently occuppied by the Troika and has a german governor. Under the Euro Greece had massive de-industrialisaion, massive importation of illegal labour. a collapse of agricultural production and an arms budget that has skyrocket beyond all proportion.  Yesterday they used riot police vans to arrest half a dockworkers demo outside the Defence Ministry, which is a crime scene, for all the financial fraud and bribery from Franco-German defence contractors.
On the other hand ... Germany went nationalist under Hitler, rearmed, got involved in civil wars in other countries and then allied itself with France, took over Europe leading to a war where 50-70 million died.
That was Weimar..."WTF" has that to do with a small banana republic on the outskirts of Europe ????  Nothing.

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