Officials at the ECB were reported on Wednesday to be considering pulling the
plug on Cypriot banks unless the country agreed to a new bailout package.
Jörge Asmussen, the ECB’s chief negotiator, warned that Cyprus’s decision to
reject the terms of an €10bn (£8.6bn) bailout meant it could not guarantee
support to domestic lenders for much longer.
“We can provide emergency liquidity only to solvent banks and... the solvency
of Cypriot banks cannot be assumed if an aid programme is not agreed on soon,
which would allow for a quick recapitalisation of the banking sector,” said Mr
Asmussen in an interview with a German newspaper.
The threat followed the unanimous voting down by the Cypriot parliament
of a rescue package that would have seen the authorities levy a
“tax” of up to 10pc on deposits of more than €100,000.
Senior European politicians have expressed hope that a new bailout could be
organised, however some have begun to openly discuss the possibility of Cyprus
exiting the euro. Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, said he could not “rule
anything out for Cyprus”. 
Banks in Cyprus have remained closed since last week and on Wednesday the
country’s central bank said lenders would not open their doors until next
Tuesday, leaving Cypriots dependent on using ATMs for day-to-day cash. The prolonged closure of banks has led to widespread fears among senior
industry executives that it could undermine confidence in the financial system.
Christian Clausen, president of the European Banking Federation, said a way
had to be found to reopen Cypriot banks before it was “too late”.
“Everything needs to be solved very quickly. This is a matter of a very few
days before it gets too late,” Mr Clausen told Reuters... While the eurozone finance ministers are busy having their conference call,
Bloomberg reports that the currency bloc's finance chiefs are pressuring Cyprus
to shrink its banking system. Here's what the newswire had to
Finance ministers for the 17 euro countries are considering a plan to
shutter the two biggest banks in Cyprus and freeze the assets of uninsured
depositors, said the four officials, who asked not to be named because the talks
are ongoing. The ministers are holding a teleconference tonight.
UPDATE : Cyprus Popular Bank and the Bank of Cyprus would be split to create a so-called bad bank, one of the officials said.
Insured deposits -- below the European Union ceiling of 100,000 euros -- would go into a so-called good bank and not sustain any losses, while uninsured deposits would go into the bad bank and be frozen until assets could be sold, said the four officials.

UPDATE : Cyprus Popular Bank and the Bank of Cyprus would be split to create a so-called bad bank, one of the officials said.
Insured deposits -- below the European Union ceiling of 100,000 euros -- would go into a so-called good bank and not sustain any losses, while uninsured deposits would go into the bad bank and be frozen until assets could be sold, said the four officials.
Losses to unsecured creditors, including uninsured depositors, could reach
40 percent under the plan, which has support from the International Monetary
Fund and the European Central Bank. hile the eurozone finance ministers are busy having their conference call,
Bloomberg reports that the currency bloc's finance chiefs are pressuring Cyprus
to shrink its banking system. Here's what the newswire had to
Finance ministers for the 17 euro countries are considering a plan to
shutter the two biggest banks in Cyprus and freeze the assets of uninsured
depositors, said the four officials, who asked not to be named because the talks
are ongoing.
Russians in Cyprus are getting tired of suggestions from Germany that anyone with a Russian accent here is a Mafioso. They say that claims that the island is simply a money-laundering post for Mob cash are wide of the mark, and that the EU strategy has been purely a political one.
"Since this started happening the German, Dutch, and Scandinavian treasuries have been doing very well while the quotes for southern European ones have gone down," says Andrei Surikov, 30, a financial manager from Moscow who moved to Cyprus three years ago.
"The whole thing is just a dirty political game, and I don't think the EU has estimated the impact of what they have done. The trust has gone now in the whole system."
Russians in Cyprus are getting tired of suggestions from Germany that anyone with a Russian accent here is a Mafioso. They say that claims that the island is simply a money-laundering post for Mob cash are wide of the mark, and that the EU strategy has been purely a political one.
"Since this started happening the German, Dutch, and Scandinavian treasuries have been doing very well while the quotes for southern European ones have gone down," says Andrei Surikov, 30, a financial manager from Moscow who moved to Cyprus three years ago.
"The whole thing is just a dirty political game, and I don't think the EU has estimated the impact of what they have done. The trust has gone now in the whole system."
I visited Southern Cyrprus (let's not forget this is only half of Cyprus!) in 2001,It was obvious then that hot Russian money was making a mess of (the Greek half) the island. On all the scenic bits of coastline a Russian funded hotel was going up, casinos in the strangest places. It was known then as a repository for hot Russian money. Since then Southern Cyprus joined the EU & Euro, and it can only have got worse.
I can well understand the Germans being miffed at having to bail out Russian tax dodgers and worse. I'm old enough to remember EOKA, Makarios, Murder Mile, and the 1974 Turkish invasion - AND THE REASONS FOR IT. (Massacres of Turkish villagers by Greek Cypriots, and the threat of Enosis - union with Greece, then run by a bunch of fascist generals.
And I also remember the mockery of Cyprus (Southern Cyprus only, remember) joining the EU. Talks on reunification, accepted by the Northern Cypriots, rejected by the Southern Cypriots, but that was enough to be accepted into the EU.
the Euro was never properly implemented. At inception, it was hijacked by powerful vested interests and created as an effective tool of coercion, to be applied at a national level. We see it now playing out. National asset stripping and financial raids on the taxpayers, stripping whole countries of their services. Getting cocky, they are now testing the waters, robbing bank deposits.
The added Russian dimension only goes to show that its all about the big players fighting one another for supremacy and that we, the people, are of no consequence, other than that we are to be exploited. We are to feed them! Articles, like the one above, intentionally put fear into the average citizen. They want us to react, in our powerlessness, by commenting here on this page and by blaming everything, but our own inactivity.
Here's a lovely piece of theatre, a five minute monologue by a psychopathic banker, essentially saying we haven't a hope in hell. He pulls all the strings.
So what to do?
We don't need to know who's pulling the strings. We just need to know the game is rigged and designed to invite reaction.
Because reaction is weakness.
Don't play their game.
Ignore unjust laws.
Be pro-active.
Be creative and integrate.
We can start by feeding ourselves, mentally and physically.
Join others in holistic, self sustaining communities.
Join the millions of communities worldwide already on this path.
Create a life worth living and the puppet masters will gradually become isolated, for their TV addicted footsoldiers will soon join us, when they hear our fun and laughter outside their windows.
Mahatma Gandhi, and his good friend, Ghaffar Khan (who was similarly influential amongst his Islamic followers in present day Pakistan and Afghanistan) never got to complete their dream. It is now up to each of us to follow on where they left off.
When we are ready, we can pull the plug and stop feeding these elite predators and the governments they control.
Cypriot MPs, meanwhile, said that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, had told them that Cyprus would now have to reduce drastically the size of its banking sector, effectively ending its lucrative years as an international financial services centre.
The tax of less than one per cent on all bank deposits was described as "the least worst option" by Averof Neophytou, deputy head of the governing DISY party.
"We owe an apology to the Cypriot people because we all share in the responsibility of bringing this place to this state," he said.
It also got grudging acceptance from ordinary Cypriots, most of whom are now desperate for financial security after a week which many feared they could lose their savings altogether.
Fears are growing of Russian reprisals against European businesses as EU authorities desperately seek a deal to save the Cypriot economy by imposing a 25% levy on bank deposits of more than €100,000.
As the island scrambled to put together a rescue programme, its finance minister, Michalis Sarris, said "significant progress" had been made on the latest levy plan in talks with officials from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
The government in Nicosia faces a deadline of Monday to reach an agreement or the European Central Bank says it will cut off emergency cash to the island, spelling the likely financial collapse of its banking system and a potential exit from the European single currency.
However, with Russian investors having an estimated €30bn (£26bn) deposited in banks on the island, the growing optimism about a deal was accompanied by fears of retaliation from Moscow. Alexander Nekrassov, a former Kremlin adviser, said: "If it is the case that there will be a 25% levy on deposits greater than €100,000 then some Russians will suffer very badly.
"Then, of course, Moscow will be looking for ways to punish the EU. There are a number of large German companies operating in Russia. You could possibly look at freezing assets or taxing assets. The Kremlin is adopting a wait and see policy."
The European Central Bank on Thursday gave Cyprus until next Monday to reach a deal on restructuring its insolvent banks. Our suggestion: Let them go bust.
Cyprus's two biggest banks, Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus, are deeply insolvent. While the EU, the IMF and Cyprus could spend the weekend trying to negotiate a deal to inject billions into the banks, the time would be better spent arranging for their bankruptcy.
Here's how it could work: Shareholders, along with senior and subordinated debt holders, would be wiped out. Deposits up to €100,000 that are insured would be protected.
The German lobby group Tax Madness (Steuer Wahnsinn) has expressed its dismay that "Russian oligarchs and mafiosi" could be the ones who benefit most from an EU bailout. "They've parked their laundered money in Cypriot banks … can it be the case that our tax money is used to save their billions?" it asked.
While it warned at the same time of the potential "domino effect" should Europe not agree to a Cypriot bailout, others, such as Frank Schäffler, a member of the Free Democratic party (FDP), Merkel's junior coalition partner, warned that if Germany continues to show "solidarity", the rescue efforts will never come to an end. "I refuse to countenance the perverse term 'solidarity in Europe'," Schäffler said in an interview with the business daily Handelsblatt.
"If things go on as they are, we'll soon be bailing out Andorra and San Marino because they have such close economic ties with other crisis countries such as Italy and Spain."
German chancellor Angela Merkel must tread carefully as her actions over the Cyprus bailout could affect her election chances. Photograph: Gon Alo Silva/Demotix/Corbis
"It always comes down to the Germans!" clamoured the tabloid Bild this week in a headline that summed up the frustrations of much of the country as, yet again, Berlin was confronted with accusations that it had let down a fellow eurozone member – this time tiny Cyprus.
Germans readily accept that they have a weightier responsibility towards the rest of Europe than any other EU member, but there is a growing sense of resentment that they are increasingly taking the blame for other EU members' woes.
"There would be no rescue package without German guarantees, but it's precisely us Germans who are confronted with criticism – indeed, bare-faced hatred," said Hugo Müller-Vogg, a leading commentator at Germany's best-selling redtop, arguing that Germans had been made the "scapegoats" of Europe.
Nueva etapa en el camino de la desintegración de la UE tal y cómo la venimos conociendo, es evidente que economías y sociedades tan diferentes no pueden convivir pretendiendo ser socios de igual a igual, quizás llegado el momento pudiese ser una solución la Unión Europea de Países Mediterráneos. Esa UEPM de países con economías superdevaluadas debido a su salida del Euro, con un poco de desarrollo podría ser muy competitiva... En fin, hablar por hablar, lo que está claro es que un Euro que sirve más cómo grillete que cómo flotador, no va a ningún lado.
However the views of Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, will carry more weight tonight - and he has already warned that Cyprus could not avoid very tough times "not because of European stubbornness, but because of a business model that no longer functions".
Kosta Pavlowitch emailed me from the Cypriot capital:
The cashpoint i have been using for the past few days in Nicosia allowed €500 per day til Friday, then €300 yesterday, and today only €100.
And Steven Kimberley confirmed that his cash machine also refused to pay out €200 but would release €100 (suggesting the new maximum figure may be between the two).
This follows the news earlier today that Laiki Bank has lowered its own limit, reportedly to €100 (see 12.45pm).
A third reader, who is a Laiki customer, has told me that an ATM did release €260 earlier today, perhaps before the limit change was imposed.
The news came as finance ministers continued to arrive at the council building.
Austria's finance minister, Maria Fekter, said the eurogroup's "common will" was to find a deal tonight.
And France's Pierre Moscovici said the aim was to find a solution that keeps Cyprus as a member of the eurozone.
And Wolfgang Schauble continued to talk tough:
I hope that we have a solution but Cyprus has to see the situation with realism
Cyprus should Nein to the Germans and walk away from the disaster that is the Euro. Yes it will be painful but less so that the rapid decline required to stay in the Euro. They will then be able to watch from the outside as the whole farce called the Euro falls apart and Greece, Spain, Italy, France see a massive flight of capital
"The Bank of Cyprus must also absorb assets from Laiki and the eurozone is demanding that it take on the failed bank's ECB liquidity debts, which could add up to €9.1bn."
WTF? The ECB is part of the troika that deliberately forced Laiki into liquidatiuon then demands that another bank takes on the debts Laiki owed to the ECB so that the ones who actually forced Laiki into liquidation are the only ones to emerge unscathed?
Time to man the barricades folks ...
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Un choіx qui paгaіt faсile
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Disсеrneг la valisе аppropгіee en cas ԁ’un lοng sеjour est asѕez cοmplіque.
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