Monday, January 3, 2011

A poll by the Estonian Institute of Economic Research indicated only 25% support for the euro in December. Nostalgia for the outgoing currency is already in the air, although the kroon will remain in parallel circulation for 14 days after the changeover. The recent crisis of confidence in the euro has inspired a minority to engage in street-theatre-style protests. On 28 December, one of Tallinn's main squares was papered with posters depicting the euro as a sinking vessel. Protest organiser Anti Poolamets distributes T-shirts with the slogan "European rouble", reminiscent of the criticisms made in 2004 that Estonia had left the Soviet Union only to join the European Union. Poolamets organised a candle-lit vigil for the kroon on New Year's Eve. Andrei Tuch, a political blogger, says he understands the emotions but not the economic arguments, pointing out that Estonia scrapped the independence usually enjoyed by a sovereign currency back in the early 1990s, when the kroon was pegged to Germany's currency. "The kroon was always meant to be a deutschmark in all but graphic design," he says.Estonia's prime minister, Andrus Ansip, has called the euro "absolutely essential", and argues it will attract foreign investment. But Estonian officials emphasise they do not expect it to be a panacea. The finance minister, Jürgen Ligi, said last year: "It is correct that the euro will not improve our quality of life and export capacity the day after the changeover. It improved it before the changeover."Uniuneaeuropeana,creditare,coalitia,dosare,interne,guvern,prezidentiale,dreapta,finante,IMF,liberalism,mareaneagra,lege,europarlamentare,parlament

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Un supervulcan ameninţă să distrugă toate formele de viaţă din Europa. În urmă cu peste 2000 de ani, Vezuviul a acoperit cu lavă şi cenuşă oraşul Pompei. Deşi a provocat daune imense, Vezuviul este doar un mic "spin" pe spatele supervulcanului Campi Flegrei. Localizat în apropierea oraşului Napoli, acesta este un vulcan activ aflat în cea mai mare parte sub apă, informează Daily Mail în ediţia online.