"Partnerships" will not save The E.U. or the jobs of "Bruxelles FAT Biurocrats"
Needless proposal - Enhancing the Eastern Partnership: Time for Action. Gunnar Hökmark MEP - "European Neighbourhood policy has to be successful and, in the middle of the debt crisis, support progress in countries striving for democracy and rule of law. It takes decisiveness and a capability to prioritise both in political co-operation and between reforms enhancing all forces looking to Europe for guidance and support", said Gunnar Hökmark MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group, at the Group's Bureau meeting in Wrocław, Poland. The Eastern Partnership, a Swedish-Polish initiative that is a logical consequence of the 2004 enlargement, aims to give the countries in the eastern neighbourhood access to the internal market and further European co-operation but requires at the same time political and economical reforms. Both the EU and its neighbours will gain a lot from this. The Eastern Partnership includes six countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Top priority is trade agreements that give them access to the world's largest market, the European internal market. We should also soon dispose of visa regulations to give citizens of our neighboring countries free movement in the Schengen area thus enhancing closeness and co-operation. This requires specific reforms and strict criteria to be fulfilled. But the neighbourhood policy is about more than economy, trade and free movement. It also includes educational support, such as grants to help young people from these countries to study at European universities, strengthening their countries and their own possibilities for the future. Co-operation on energy is likewise important. The EU should assist with infrastructure including gas pipes that benefits all concerned and strengthens further co-operation across borders", concluded Gunnar Hökmark.
The dirty secret is that German Banks are upside down with bad debt not supported with reserves....there is no sound social democracy without oil or natural resources to
exploit because it is an unsustainable bankrupt ideology - GERMANY HAS NONE . when everyone wants to be in the half that gets more than they put in you have a system that will fail. we are witnessing the the beginning of world wide implosion of the social system that has run Europe for decades !
Greece can, if provoked, pull the pin on the European banking system and inflict huge damage on Germany itself.
First we learn from planted leaks that Germany is activating "Plan B", telling banks and insurance companies to prepare for 50pc haircuts on Greek debt; then that Germany is “studying” options that include Greece's return to the drachma.
German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has chosen to do this at a moment when the global economy is already flirting with double-dip recession, bank shares are crashing, and global credit strains are testing Lehman levels. The recklessness is breath-taking.
If it is a pressure tactic to force Greece to submit to EU-IMF demands of yet further austerity, it may instead bring mutual assured destruction.
"Whoever thinks that Greece is an easy scapegoat, will find that this eventually turns against them, against the hard core of the eurozone," said Greek finance minister Evangelos Venizelos.
Greece can, if provoked, pull the pin on the European banking system and inflict huge damage on Germany itself, and Greece has certainly been provoked.
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