Monday, November 14, 2011

BERLIN—German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday responded to growing criticism of euro-zone bailouts from within her Christian Democratic Union party with a passionate call for Germany to shoulder the burden of saving Europe's most ambitious project and to step up to the challenges of these uncertain times. During a party convention in the eastern German city of Leipzig, where in 2003 Ms. Merkel made a pledge to return Germany to its role as Europe's undisputed economic leader within a decade, the chancellor rebuffed accusations she had abandoned the conservative party's long-standing positions on core issues—from social policies to nuclear energy and now minimum wages and euro-zone bailouts. German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the CDU party congress Monday in Leipzig, Germany. "We live in times of epic change," Ms. Merkel said. "Our political compass has not changed. But the context is constantly changing." Some party members called for Ms. Merkel to make it possible to boot profligate euro-zone nations out of the 17-member club. Ms. Merkel told her party that 30-year-old policies couldn't supply the appropriate answer to Europe's "most difficult hours since World War Two." She insisted that the party must go with the times. In a one-hour speech at the two-day convention that is being held under the motto "For Europe, For Germany," Ms. Merkel pounded the themes that have become a steady drumbeat in her daily messages back in Berlin about resolving the euro-zone debt crisis: that the euro crisis will take years of hard work to fix and that the crisis offers the opportunity to recreate the European project. "We need to send a clear signal," Ms. Merkel told the delegates. "We don't whine; we don't complain. We know instead that we have a job to do." ...I ask : What job ? : THE JOB IS TO FULFILL THE RIBBENTROP - MOLOTOV PACT PROVISIONS and TAKE OVER EUROPE !!!!!!! The Russians already met their task of taking over the European Energy resources !!!

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