A six-page German foreign ministry paper sets out plans for the creation of a European Monetary Fund with a transfer of sovereignty away from member states. The fund will have the power to take ailing countries into receivership and run their economies. Even more controversially, the document, entitled
"The future of the EU: required integration policy improvements for the creation of a Stability Union", declares that the treaty changes are a first stage “in which the EU will develop into a political union”. “The debate on the way towards a political union must begin as soon as the course toward stability union is charted,” it concludes. The negotiating document also explicitly examines ways to limit treaty changes to speed up the reforms. It indicates that Mrs Merkel will tell Mr Cameron to rule out a popular EU vote in Britain. “Limiting the effect of the treaty changes to the euro zone states would make ratification easier, which would nevertheless be required by all EU member states (thereby less referenda could be necessary, which could also affect the UK),” read the paper. Senior government officials confirmed that they had dropped a previous demand that EU powers should be “repatriated” to Britain in return for the treaty changes requested by Germany. “I don’t think that anyone is seriously proposing going down that route,” a senior government source said. Open Europe, a think tank, last night called for Mr Cameron to demand something in return from Mrs Merkel for her “far-reaching plan”, which requires the unanimous consent of all 27 EU countries, giving Britain a veto.
You can't have a welfare state without a police state. You can put it off for a while, but eventually that's what is needed to maintain it.
The fact that the U.K. threw out the rule of law in favor of the abominations known as ASBOs is just one manifestation of this principle. Angela Merkel's demands = ASBOs writ large.
It is only due to our own treacherous, duplicitous, politicians,of both main parties, or three, if we still consider the Liberals worthy of consideration, that we are now in such danger.
It is obvious the way the EU is working, with the sole intention of stitching Britain up, finally, and once and for all.
We must get out, now, or face the reality of being finally finished, as a Nation State
Nicholas- don't be confused, Germany lost both wars but won the peace. And now has cleverly positioned itself as the landlord for the whole of Europe; and you know what happens if you don't pay your rent? Angela comes around with a baseball bat and takes over your finances. So given that Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and now France are on the verge of missing, or have missed, rental payments, Germany is going to usurp their Sovereignty and control their economies. So Germany will get what it always wanted- control of Europe. I mean, the process of giving them money to pay the rent is almost over. They are doomed to become part of the German State of Europe; better learn German.
Thank goodness for Margaret Thatcher or those long four years that your, and my, father spent fighting for freedom and peace would have been in vain. And Britain better remember how to make stuff that people want to buy, and get a new set of trading partners fast, or it's auf wieidershen pet
The EC has already started becoming a central government.
If Cameron had principles and the bottle should call a general election now and on the manifesto should be a referendum to leave the EC.
BUT he has not got the bottle so one has to think that he, Hague and his mob are not acting in the interest of the people of the country but themselves personally.
The EC has already started becoming a central government.
If Cameron had principles and the bottle should call a general election now and on the manifesto should be a referendum to leave the EC.
BUT he has not got the bottle so one has to think that he, Hague and his mob are not acting in the interest of the people of the country but themselves personally.
She said: “We’ve seen a sovereign debt crisis evolve in some states and particularly those in the eurozone find themselves in the international focus.
“It was right of David Cameron to concern himself with the UK’s debt issues when he became Prime Minister — that’s my firm conviction, and once the negative focus has moved away from Europe, he will examine a stronger involvement with other countries.”
The eurozone contagion is threatening to spread to Spain and France. Yesterday, the price of Spanish government borrowing reached the “brink” of crisis point.
The Spanish government sold 10-year bonds at a 6.975 per cent yield — just below the seven per cent level which has triggered international assistance elsewhere.
Amid protests in Milan and Turin, Mario Monti, Italy’s unelected “technocrat” prime minister unveiled sweeping austerity reforms. Mr Monti warned that a break-up of the single currency would take eurozone economies “back to the 1950s” in terms of wealth
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