I like how the pictures of riots and fires...
EUROPE - SPANISH BONDS.... The yield on Spanish benchmark 10-year bonds rose to 5.8pc. The last time the
yield was as high was the week before the ECB unleashed its long-term
refinancing operation (LTRO) in November, which was designed to ease market
pressure on the eurozone's "sinner states". .... Getting near the dreaded Satan
six number already? That didn't take long. Spain is in the cross-hairs now.
Didn't more than a few experts predict that would happen, unless they did like
the US did, and say that the government would do whatever it takes? I watched
several experts say the firewall needed to exceed 2.5 trillion, or the attacks
would continue. Those European politicians must think all those
multi-millionaire investors got rich by accident. What could they know about
bond markets and traders?
I like how the pictures of riots and fires just
happen to be next to the articles.... The high youth unemployment and austerity
measures in Southern Europe are creating a very dangerous environment and it can
only be a matter of time before civil unrest gets out of control. There seems to
be an accepted view that the juggernaut of globalization cannot be stopped or
reversed. Globalization was an accepted view in the 1920’s, until the bust.
Globalization was stopped in its tracks and the opposite took its place,
Nationalism. The imposition of austerity measures in the West is demonstrating
to the vast majority that globalization has done them no favors at all.
Nationalism will probably first raise its head in the club med countries and
this will be the beginning of the end for the latest globalization phase
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