Time to cash in your chips....
Time to cash in your chips ---Hollande based his manifesto upon "re-negotiating" the Treaty! Perhaps he should
have had a word with Mme Merkel beforehand - as it now seems that it has
backfired on him. There you go - people WILL believe what they want to hear -
we're stuck with him for 5 years now - just look at the Markets - already, and
it's only been 24 hours!There is little prospect of the German chancellor
putting her hands up and losing the economic war she has been waging with her
eurozone partners for two years now. Austerity Rules OK might be the graffiti
shorthand for the debt and public spending reduction programmes that have formed
the core of the Merkel approach to keep the eurozone intact and the markets on
side. The message that came through strongly from France and Greece at the
weekend was that austerity does not rule OK. Mrs Merkel was effectively told
to "get lost" by one of the new political leaders in Greece – Syriza party
leader Alexis Tsipras – who's plea was to end the "bail-out barbarism". Mrs
Merkel or the markets are more likely to tell Greece to "get lost". The Euro is
a disaster. The fact that the EU collectively are in denial can only make the
disaster worse. Except they will not because the disaster is already as bad as
it can get. Europe is going to enter a massive dislocation which will leave it
irrelevant in the world. The UK will probably get dragged along unless UKIP
makes a (literally) unbelievable breakthrough and we cut our bondage ties to
Europe. It is over guys. Time to cash in your chips (investments, pensions etc)
and depart to a foreign clime. Leave the young to suffer under the debt burden
we have left them. But do not bank on their continuing to pay your pensions for
the next half century. It is not going to happen.
The crisis meeting in two weeks comes as François Hollande, the newly elected Socialist French president, demands a change to the EU's economic policies, with a shift from austerity to growth.
The demand has pitted him firmly against Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, who is fighting to defend eurozone rules on cutting spending, but who is also coming under pressure from other European countries to relent. That pressure increased yesterday after local elections in Italy resulted in big gains for anti-austerity parties, including 20 per cent of the vote for a new movement led by Beppe Grillo, a popular comedian, who calls for Italy to leave the euro.
The May 25 crisis summit of EU leaders has been called to try to find a solution to a looming Greek default on its €350 billion debt, which many believe threatens the future of the eurozone.
The EC/EU has been the most disastrous thing that Britain has ever got caught up with, never mind the corrupt Euro currency. Edward Heath should posthumously be given a life prison sentence for ever getting us caught up with it.
The EC/EU:
1) Immediately damaged our trade relations with our like-minded Australian, Caribbean, and other historic friends.
2) Sucked £billions to unscrupulous corrupt European countries such as France, Greece, Spain, Italy, in the CAP, and other wasteful projects.
3) Allowed mass immigration of other Europeans into Britain.
4) Prevented the continuation of the excellent EFTA.
5) Introduced thousands of unnecessary European laws into the UK.
6) Forced us to use kilograms, litres, metres in everyday use.
7) Saddled us with helping profligate Eurocurrency countries in repeated IMF bailouts.
The sooner the whole corrupt sham EU disintegrates, the better. Monsieur Hollande will almost certainly hasten that process. The deeper the "rift" between Merkel and Hollande the better, as the sooner the Euro will go belly up.
Country like Italy where corruption is well estabilished for the past 70 years into the Government and the centre of Rome it will never change, there is no hope for the citizen, the polititian have destroyed a nation for their own greed. Germany know very well before the euro was introduced , This Mr Monti running a Monty phyton circus is just the biggest bluffer of the Italian History , a very very good actor by all mean ! Bravo. Unfortunatly until when he will be able to keep his face up ? The nation is doomed. Monti phyton circus !!
Radical Leftist Alexis Tsipras began efforts to form a Greek government on Tuesday by renouncing the terms of an international bailout and threatening to nationalise banks in a statement likely to reduce his chances of success.
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Left Coalition leader Tsipras, 37, received a mandate from the president after an election in which Greeks showed their hatred of harsh austerity measures by abandoning mainstream parties who negotiated an EU/IMF bailout that is keeping the country from bankruptcy.
His uncompromising stance may lower already slim chances of forming a coalition by scaring off the former ruling parties New Democracy and socialist PASOK, while further unsettling jittery investors.
"The popular verdict clearly renders the bailout deal invalid," Greece's youngest political leader told reporters.
An official from his party said Tsipras had demanded that the two former ruling parties withdraw pledges given in exchange for the bailout as a condition for joining his government.
Radical Leftist Alexis Tsipras began efforts to form a Greek government on Tuesday by renouncing the terms of an international bailout and threatening to nationalise banks in a statement likely to reduce his chances of success.
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Australian Stock Market Report – Midday 5/9/2012
Greek leftist holds coalition talks, effort seen as doomed
IMF says Swiss franc cap appropriate for now
Left Coalition leader Tsipras, 37, received a mandate from the president after an election in which Greeks showed their hatred of harsh austerity measures by abandoning mainstream parties who negotiated an EU/IMF bailout that is keeping the country from bankruptcy.
His uncompromising stance may lower already slim chances of forming a coalition by scaring off the former ruling parties New Democracy and socialist PASOK, while further unsettling jittery investors.
"The popular verdict clearly renders the bailout deal invalid," Greece's youngest political leader told reporters.
An official from his party said Tsipras had demanded that the two former ruling parties withdraw pledges given in exchange for the bailout as a condition for joining his government.
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