Amusing - This man is a deluded clown.
"Mr Van Rompuy – who said the EU was the “biggest peacemaking institution ever
created in world history"....Amusing - This man is a deluded clown. Now the EU
is working out how to pillage wealth whoever it can to keep the half baked plans
of domination alive. There is no heart in the eyes of these arrogant, anti
democratic creators of a systematically ignorant European rule and ruling
class. The final triumph of ignorance is economic collapse, waste, decay and
chaos. The best system of government to ensure well informed executives and to
motivate rulers to listen is Democracy. The further rulers stray from Democracy
the more arrogant, ignorant and arbitrary they become. The EU has not gone all
the way but it is on an irreversible downward slide. We must let go of these
nasty losers and leave them to slide, alone, into the chasm of failure and self
created ignorance. So far our craven politicians neither see nor care because
they are blinded by their small minded immature and childish careerist ambitions
and selfishness. Well....Doubtless ,the German people will feel much the same
when the grim reality of the extent of betrayal hits them with the force of an
express train......Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Genghis Khan were similarly
deluded, but they weren't anywhere near so comical as Rumpy.The EU needs money,
lots of it, and fast, so expect Rumpy and his evil elves to keep proposing more
and more of their madcap money making schemes. Having seen a little of what
Irish and Greek banks were up to before they fell in to a heap I don't rate the
chances of forming a banking union very highly, and trying to pool budgets and
debt without the banks in a stable condition is utterly hopeless. None of this
is ever going to get Merkel's seal of approval.
More work is needed to strengthen the eurozone, but there will not be any "uncontrollable" situation in the 17-nation bloc, Angela Merkelhas insisted this morning.
The German Chancellor repeated that she wanted Greece to stay in the euro, but added that "the work isn’t completed”.
Is it me or does that sound like a change of tune from Merkin??.... I thought Greece was going to stay in the EZ because it was for everyones benefit... now they are staying because she wants them to....
that sounds to me like either a misquote or a really big shift in policy.. why would she say something lie that?? Because it doesnt sound like she is overly certain they will stay
I saw a Reuters report that put the Spanish bail out at 200 billion, including the bank bail out but, if it's the last bail out opportunity, it could force the truth to surface eventually.
Add Greece, Portugal, Cyprus and Ireland to the bill and Angela is going to have difficulty selling that to the Bundestag, let alone the German public, and if she thinks that will be the end of it, she's dreaming.
The EUSSR is coming along according to plan.
If nothing else, it evidences that Spain foresees a lot of civil disorder ahead of it.
"New Penal Code gives a 6 year sentence for throwing stones
Passive resistance continues at number 556.Joan Querit, professor of Criminal Law, said however, that the new Penal Code could try to punish crimes which are not listed, such as making a chain in a demonstration."
Spain will ask for its bailout package next month, November.
No suprise. And I bet the request will be issued after not before 6 November 2012
What a lot of talking in the Eurozone !
Do they do anything else ?
Eating and travelling, perhaps?
Rothschild's and friends are doing mighty well out of this crisis, not only have they got governments, hooked on dodgy money, while buying up all the assets the world over, they've also got governments working on their worldwide agendas, via the UN and such.
Now pending war with Iran, purely for the oil, for Israel, that the Rothschild family own most of, cleansing the population out for their own mean's.
Next it will be a one world currency?!
Oh yeah!, that's being talked about on American telly already!
What is the UK's liability for this bailout, via IMF, our contributions to the Brussels sieve, and other channels? Can we expect full disclosure from our government or is that too much to ask.
This should take care of those worried about immigration into the EU. Expect business cropping up for migration of the next generation to Switzerland, China, Brazil, New Zealand and the like. I hear Spaniards are already flocking to Argentina and Chile. Forget about warmer climes for your retirement plans but economic zones which aren't going to devalue your savings and paltry fixed incomes.
To say that the EU talks with 'forked tongue' is an under statement and they have many of them - all forked.
From today's Irish newspapers.
"He [IMF’S representative in Dublin, Peter Breuer] said that a European banking union, which would involve common deposit insurance, a common bank resolution system and common supervision, was “the first priority” for Europe, ......."
All of a sudden EU banking union policy is adopted by the IMF?
Germany has stated categorically that no money will be disbursed by the ESM until a banking union has been formed. Considering how trifling the ESM is, that's not surprising, but it does effectively make disbursements impossible for years.
It has also been stated that funds from the ESM will also not be used to pay off legacy debt, which basically puts Ireland and Spain in a deep mess. Having moved a mountain of debt to their 'bad banks' they now have no sink hole where they can dispose of it.
A common deposit insurance scheme has been dismissed outright by Germany, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence considering that some European banks are little more than the personal toys of their owners, whose balance sheets are more fiction than fact.
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