
"ATE Bank" Romania, recently acquired by "Piraeus Bank", will be partially bought by several Romanian investors and initially capitalized up to 60 million Euros, and in 2013 more investors will be co-opted, including the financial investment companies (SIFs), and its equity will reach 200 million Euros.
"The negotiations with < Piraeus > are at a very advanced stage. Not only the license of < ATE Bank > will be acquired, but part of the assets and liabilities of the bank as well. The completion of the deal is just a matter of days", sources close to the transaction said, quoted by Mediafax.
Based on the information available at this time, the new bank will be aimed exclusively at companies, particularly those operating in industry and agriculture.
According to the quoted sources, starting next year, the new bank will be led by former "Raiffeisen Bank" vice-president Marinel Burduja, who is also the man leading these negotiations....about month ago, Marinel Burduja said: "It is every Romanian banker's dream to lay the foundation for a Romanian owned bank, and this will happen once the time is right. I think that it is extremely important for Romanian capital to one day be present on the domestic market. This would also increase interest of foreign investors".
"The negotiations with < Piraeus > are at a very advanced stage. Not only the license of < ATE Bank > will be acquired, but part of the assets and liabilities of the bank as well. The completion of the deal is just a matter of days", sources close to the transaction said, quoted by Mediafax.
Based on the information available at this time, the new bank will be aimed exclusively at companies, particularly those operating in industry and agriculture.
According to the quoted sources, starting next year, the new bank will be led by former "Raiffeisen Bank" vice-president Marinel Burduja, who is also the man leading these negotiations....about month ago, Marinel Burduja said: "It is every Romanian banker's dream to lay the foundation for a Romanian owned bank, and this will happen once the time is right. I think that it is extremely important for Romanian capital to one day be present on the domestic market. This would also increase interest of foreign investors".
O serie de noi reguli europene trebuie să asigure siguranța offshore de petrol și gaze în urma operațiunilor de foraj adoptarea, cu o largă majoritate, a unui raport de către Ivo Belet deputat de Comisia pentru industrie, cercetare și energie a Parlamentului European.
Ivo Belet a spus: "Europa a învățat de la catastrofa platformei Deepwater în Golful Mexic și vrea să limiteze riscurile de mediu și de siguranță ale offshore de petrol și gaze naturale la un nivel minim un cadru legislativ solid este imperios necesară, mai ales astăzi, când mulți. Statele membre care nu au puțină experiență sau în ulei și operațiuni în domeniul gazelor, sunt căutați în demararea operațiunilor de foraj. "
Acestea sunt principalele inovații ale noii Directive:
Stricte de autorizare Procedura
Operatorii doar cu expertiză tehnică suficientă și de securitate financiară pentru a garanta siguranța operațiunilor offshore va fi acordat licențe de explorare și producție. Operațiunile de foraj marin trebuie să fie aprobate de către autoritățile naționale independente.
Răspundere și garanții financiare
Operatorii sunt pe deplin răspunzător pentru orice daune aduse mediului cauzate de foraj marin. Ei trebuie să facă dovada că dispun de mijloace financiare suficiente pentru a acoperi consecințele unui incident.
Evaluarea riscurilor obligatorie și planuri de urgență
Înainte de a începe de foraj, operatorii ar trebui să efectueze o analiză aprofundată a riscurilor și au un plan de răspuns în caz de urgență, care este actualizată anual. Coordonarea cu țările vecine este necesară în cazul în care nu poate fi efecte transfrontaliere.
Un rol mai important pentru EMSA
Expertiza Agenției Europene pentru Siguranță Maritimă (EMSA) ar trebui să fie utilizate în cazul unei scurgeri de ulei sau de gaz. EMSA ar trebui să inspecteze toate planurile de urgență.
Nr moratoriu
Nu a fost nici o majoritate pentru propunerea de interzicerea de foraj de petrol în regiunea arctică.
"Apelarea pentru un moratorim nu este o abordare corectă a UE nu are apele din regiunea arctică.. Numai Norvegia, care cooperează cu UE prin Spațiul Economic European, efectuează foraje în zona de gheață-free de mai sus Cercul Arctic. Prin urmare, face sens mult mai mult faptul că țările UE Suedia și Finlanda se asigura că cele mai înalte standarde de siguranță sunt respectate de către toți membrii Consiliului Arctic ", a concluzionat Ivo Belet deputat.
This is a crisis, entirely home-made in Brussels. Does anyone seriously believe that Europe would be in this mess if the Euro had never been introduced. And who wanted it? The French, as a quid pro quo for agreeing to German reunification and because the French hate the Americans and wanted a currency to rival the dollar....The people are usually wiser than the elite in the long run. When the elite decided to create their dream of Europe they deliberately denied the majority of their populations a voice in the matter. This made sense from their point of view because they new the people would kill their idea stone dead if give the opportunity. Now as many predicted their dream has brought misery to millions yet they still haven't leaned their lesson as demonstrated by Cameron and Miliband who continue to deny us a voice on the issue because as happened before they no if asked the nation would say no, it's time to quit. An unstoppable tsunami of advice from the IMF, but here again it's what we pay Lagarde €400,000 plus and no tax for. Aren't we so lucky? As far as I can see, the eurozone is a place where:- you can get in with blatant lies
- once you get in you can't get out, like some sort of mafia
- you'r stuck in a financial straitjacket
- you abandon a good percentage of your sovereignty as part of the "master plan" (master plans don't on the whole have a good track record)
- nobody respects the rules
- the members build up horrendous debt though idiotic borrowing which nobody stops till it's too late
- the weaker nations go to the wall, plunging their countries into vast debt with 50% and over youth unemployment and general social misery and loss of hope
- if in trouble, the ECB breaks its own rules
- to make sure money doesn't run out, they print a lot more, thus debasing it
- to fool the people they invent "instruments" and give them soppy names such as "Outright Financial Transactions". as compared of course to mere and outdated "Financial Transactions".....Frankly, it doesn't on the face of it sound like a club you'd really want to belong to if you had a choice.
One should not discount the growing and fierce distrust of the EU by the people's in the subject states of the EU.
Following Barroso's United States of Europe speech in which he says it is the ONLY way to fix the economic and social imbalances of the countries of the EU.
Germans are now ten times more anti-EU than they were before - especially, when this piece of communist Portuguese ordure told them they had to give up their nation and be governed by Brussels.
The Dutch who returned a middle of the road prior to this speech of Barroso are also horrified.
Banking Union. Not going to happen unless it is a German controlled entity. French will go along with that? Not a chance.
Single Europe? Not in a thousand years.
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