Monday, November 26, 2012

Let me get this right....France wants more CAP money to prop up an unsustainable domestic farming culture based on 18th century methods. Germany does not want to shell out billions of Euro to pay for Greece, Spain et all, and is trying to fudge a deal until Angela can try to get back in. Spain is falling apart and refuses help as it would require to give up sovereignty, a precursor for joining and is breaking up anyway. Italy needs the cash to help its poor south, which by the way has been poor since biblical times, and Ireland , Portugal and Greece, poor bastards, are saddled with debt they cannot afford.
And that's just the biggies.
The whole concept is bankrupt both on a financial, social and an ideological basis, and on top of that, they are corrupt, never having passed an audit.
Why are we even talking to them?...
Talks on a new European Union budget have collapsed after David Cameron won German support in a row with France about his demands for more cuts in spending. The Prime Minister accused Brussels of 'living in a parallel universe' and said there could not be a 'deal at any cost.'  Speaking at the end of the failed summit Mr Cameron said: "We're not going to be tough on budgets at home just to come here and sign up to an increase. "Frankly the deal on the table was just not good enough. It wasn't good enough for Britain and neither was it good enough for a number of countries. "In the UK we are cutting admin budgets by as much as a third, civil service staff by 10 per cent in two years. None of this has been easy. Meanwhile Brussels continues to exist as if it is in a parallel universe."


Anonymous said...

They are all praying for growth elsewhere to be a factor in recovery but it is not going to happen.

The BRIC nations cannot do it as they are dependent on exports to the west which have dried up. Give it a couple of years and the BRICS will be right back where they started.

Anonymous said...

The United States are in a potentially better position due to self sustainability. They can do food, oil and industry from within. They have massive overseas debts though and that will limit their economy for many years.

The EU could match the United States in the same way but are hampered by politics. Socialism just does not work in these circumstances and far too many nations are dependent on state subsidies in one shape or another.

Anonymous said...

In European terms the best solution is to split in two. A grand alliance of the northern nations and a less grand alliance of club Mediterranean.

Anonymous said...

The Lisbon Treaty recognises the Eurogroup, in a Protocol, for the first time. It also adds a specific Chapter of provisions specific to Member States whose currency is the euro.

This site brings together the texts adopted by the Eurogroup, as well as those adopted by the Council with specific euro area relevance. It also contains useful information on the policy areas addressed by the Eurogroup and on its organisation.

Anonymous said...

Spain's Catalan separatists win election but punish Mas
Separatists in Spain's Catalonia won regional elections on Sunday but failed to get the resounding mandate they need to push convincingly for a referendum on independence.