Peace and prosperity has been guaranteed by nuclear weapons, not the EU....
Germany tried to conquer Europe in WWII using bombs and bullets. That effort
cost them four million lives, untold numbers of wounded, one fifth of all the
nation's housing destroyed, millions of their women raped, many of their cities
reduced to rubble....and the nation's wealth and productivity wiped out. Their
war was a total, abject failure, and an unprecedented human disaster. Someone
correctly imagined that Europe could be conquered far more cheaply and easily.A
masterplan for “completion of economic and monetary union” has been set out in a
confidential document to be discussed by EU leaders at a Brussels summit next
week. In the nine-page paper, seen by The Daily Telegraph, Herman Van
Rompuy, the president of the European Council – the monthly summits of EU
leaders – charts a series of steps from ongoing financial reforms to overall
political union for the eurozone. “The general objective will be to aim for a
progressive pooling of economic sovereignty at the European level,” the paper
states. Mr Van Rompuy expects the EU to have agreed an “operational framework”
to give the European Central Bank (ECB) the role as single eurozone banking
supervisor by March next year, despite continuing splits between France and
Germany over the policy. The EU president then sees a second phase to a full
“banking union” with legislative proposals next year for a shared bank bail-out
fund and a euro-wide deposit guarantee scheme, proposals that are even more
controversial than giving the ECB a supervisory role. Then, by 2014, the plan
requires all eurozone countries to “enter into individual arrangements of a
contractual nature with EU institutions on the measures and reforms they commit
to undertake and on the means for their implementation”. ...Karl Marx could not
balance his own household accounts, yet his theories are still hailed today as
the solution to economic ills all over the world. The EU cannot get its accounts
audited they are in such a mess and now they want to take economic sovereignty
away from member states. Many years ago my parents taught me something
valuable: If you are in a financial hole, stop digging it deeper. Someone take
away the spades from these lunatics, please! Effin politicians, lying corrupt
thieving and with a botched useless totalitarian plan tried to force this on
people who deep down resent it. And Greec ena Spain and Portugal and Ireland are
still saddled with a currency that violates all mathematical concepts of what is
needed to gain competiveness, unless you pay them 50 euros a month and they all
live in squalour. Either way the currency, the coupon, the filthy euro
voucher is the problem now from the start and always will be. Only the dumbest
halfwit cannot see that. Even if it was congealed under a stalinesque plan it
STILL will not stop the imbalance .
"The central bank also predicted inflation would ease from 2.1pc this year to 1.5pc in 2013,"
Hmm. there's something I'm not getting here. The pound is stronger against the dollar and the Euro than it was a year ago and our inflation rate is ~3.0% with an increase expected next year.
So either the central bank is telling porkies, the BoE is telling porkies or perhaps they're all telling porkies.
Think I answered my own question there..
Yesterday 03:54 PM
no France is doing nuthin to hold the EU edifice, you should read what the DT editors are writing on the subject, France isn't making enough into the austerity program, to the Damn of the City neo-liberals and to Germany, who is the country that doesn't want to leave the euro, cuz it pays so much for german corporations
(Edited by author 10 hours ago)
Recommended by 2 people
Yesterday 04:12 PM
France snared Germany with the EMU. Now that Germany fill their coffers on the back of the Euro, France is in pain. Self-inflicted pain, I should add.
But, hey, the Germans are very grateful for France being the biggest buyers of Made-in-Germany stuff. Looks like the US taking over that role soon, though. D/US exports 25.5% up in Q3 2012.
Vive La Hollandaise. Una salsa muy sabrosa.
Bill think you might have missed this...article by Phil P over at NC.... Kalecki writing in 1943 about targeting interest rates...brilliant!
The rate of interest or income tax [might be] reduced in a slump but not
increased in the subsequent boom. In this case the boom will last
longer, but it must end in a new slump: one reduction in the rate of
interest or income tax does not, of course, eliminate the forces which
cause cyclical fluctuations in a capitalist economy. In the new slump it
will be necessary to reduce the rate of interest or income tax again
and so on. Thus in the not too remote future, the rate of interest would
have to be negative and income tax would have to be replaced by an
income subsidy. The same would arise if it were attempted to maintain
full employment by stimulating private investment: the rate of interest
and income tax would have to be reduced continuously."
Always good to see yet another telegraph piece at least a year behind bill40. Another prediction 100% correct as usual. Whilst the underlying health of the German economy is indeed good, it will not survive the economic madness the Germans seem intent on foisting uopn the whole of europe.
Not only has Germany helped destroy the periphial members such as Greece, Portugal, and the RoI severely big players such as Spain and Italy have been dragged in, with France soon to follow.
The twin causes of this economic disaster are friedmanite neo liberal economic policies and a misconcieved euro. germany may think it can destroy its' customer base with impunity, I always said they were wrong and why they were wrong.
Germany is heading for recession and will stay there until it it learns basic economics. Now you know I' m too modest to say I told you so but....
I told you so.
"Germany is heading for recession and will stay there until it learns basic economics".
I would have thought that Germany could teach some basic economics to certain countries, like how to keep your manufacturing base, invest in R&D and keep tight control over your budgets.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) is currently carrying out a review of the UK's shale gas reserves, which will be published in the new year.
The Times newspaper reported on Friday night that the BGS will conclude that the the 1,000 square kilometres covered by the Bowland Basin to the east of Blackpool contains 300 trillion cubic feet of gas. This is roughly 17 times more than the known reserves in the North Sea.
In 2011, exploration company Cuadrilla estimated there was 200 trillion cubic feet of gas in the area.
The news comes just two days after George Osborne said shale gas could make a “substantial contribution” to UK gas supplies from the 2020s. The Chancellor also revealed in his Autumn Statement that the development will be overseen by a dedicated Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil. He is looking at tax breaks to encourage its development.
Shale gas is controversial because of the extraction process, known as “fracking”, which was suspended in the UK after causing two small earthquakes near Blackpool last year.
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