
It is one of the fastest growing trade relationships in the developed world.
France lagged behind at
€150bn as trade stagnated, with the US at €149bn and China at €115bn.
David Marsh from the financial group OMFIF said the trade swing underlines a
“sobering truth” that Germany’s fundamental interests are shifting away from the
eurozone core as Berlin embraces the wider world. The EMU share of German trade
has fallen from 46pc to 37pc since the launch of the euro, displaced by Asia, as
well as Eastern Europe and the Anglo-sphere.
British goods exports to Germany rose 20pc over the
first three quarters compared to a year earlier, despite the economic downturn.
The surge was led by medical equipment, drugs, car components, and petroleum
goods. The deficit with Germany narrowed slighty to €17bn, a sign that trade is
becoming better-balanced. Although rarely acclaimed, British suppliers and manufacturers are deeply
integrated into the German industrial machine and enjoy the follow-through
benefits of German exports to the rest of the world....Now...Does anyone believe British conmpanies have won this business based on EU
membership or on the timely and safe delivery of quality products at a
competitive price? The UK and Germany are the two major players and net contributors in the EU.
France talks it large and is extremely well represented in positions, but
without the massive EU funding it receives it would struggle. The real danger here is not the UK leaving the EU and sinking, it is that we
will leave and surge ahead. Weakening the EU and strengthening our own
position. Add to this the repeated polls in Germany where the majority do not
want to be run by the EU and also wish to leave the Euro, and the real danger is
clear. The UK leaving the doomed EU project will hasten its demise and open
Europe up to trade and competition with the World. The very last thing
Socialist leaders want.
A thriving UK outside of the EU would prove an irrisistable pull to other net
contributors to leave. This is what keeps the EU commission up at night, not
wondering what Pro-EU Cameron will mumble in his speech this week.
Germany’s Angela Merkel has crossed swords repeatedly with France’s Socialist leader Francois Hollande over the eurozone crisis, and Berlin fears that France may become a liability for the eurozone after deferring trough reforms and letting state spending balloon to 55pc of GDP.
Germany’s trade surplus with France grew 13pc last year to €28.5bn. France remains a crucial market, but it is diminish fast in relative terms and the political body-language is clearly changing.
Mrs Merkel has quietly supported of fellow conservative David Cameron, stepping in to prevent British isolation at EU summits. The two leaders have broadly similar views on open global trade, EU competition policy, and budget restraint. “It is clear that Merkel it going out on a limb to try to keep Britain in the EU,” said Holger Schmieding from Berenberg Bank.
Charles Grant, head of the Centre for European Reform, said Mrs Merkel will “bend over backwards” to help Britain by offering safeguards for the City and backing for market reforms, but only up to a point. “They will not agree to repatriate powers or let the UK cherry pick which parts of the EU they want to belong to,” he said, warning the Tories not to overplay their hand.
hat's the usual hoaxed tendency, it's the French that benefits the most ! LMAO
Germany gets 2/3 of what the French gets as PAC (UK, Poland, about 1/2)
http://ec.europa.eu/agricultur... (page 6)
BTW, France isn't in the top ten for EU subsidies:
EU countries net contibutions:
Germany: 21 189.9France: 19 075.6UK: 12 918.3
the UK rebate that is mainly paid by France (€1,5BN until the last years), followed by Italy, on which Germany got a 75% rebate
Incredible, but not advertised by the countries that want to lecture France, Germany's got also a 2 billion euros Rebate on its VAT contribution to EU
So at the End France is the 1rst net EU contribuator, but we would be happy to leave your our place, good luck !!!!
No more Rebate to pay you
Everybody seems to think the club med is finished but this came from Corriere del Sera last week. As solar power developes many Med countries will become more independant.
Italy’s gross domestic product may be declining but exports are buoyant. And for the first time in the last decade, the 2012 aggregate balance of payments shows an €8.8 billion surplus thanks to 5% growth in the value of exports and shrinking imports.
The news comes from the restructured foreign trade institute, ICE, which points out that by the end of 2015, Italian-made goods could generate €150 billion-worth of additional exports, bringing the total to an extremely respectable €620 billion.
Cum sunt taxate ACHIZITIA si POSESIA unui autovehicul in UE. Modele, exemple si contraexemple
12:33 Victor Ponta: Ministrul Justitiei va declansa o noua procedura pentru numirea procurorului general si a sefului DNA
12:33 Crisu Anastasiu, propus de USL, a fost avizat favorabil de Comisiile juridice din Parlament pentru functia de Avocat al Poporului. Plenul reunit ar putea valida propunerea astazi
12:30 Programul "Avangarda revizitata" aduce la Cinemateca Eforie filme de Louis Delluc si Jean Cocteau
12:27 EXCLUSIV In jumatate de an, Fiscul si primariile vor sa puna la comun datele electronice despre conturile, veniturile si proprietatile cetatenilor romani
12:18 Artisti japonezi expun la Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana din Bucuresti
12:12 Europenii si-au invatat lectia. Dupa Romania si Bulgaria, UE nu va mai accepta aderarea unor tari care nu sunt deplin pregatite - comisar european
11:36 Compania de jocuri video Atari a cerut intrarea sub protectia legii falimentului
11:33 The Present – un ceas pentru toate anotimpurile, literalmente
11:15 VIDEO Madrid: O femeie a fost salvata de un politist dupa ce a cazut pe sinele de metrou
Un ordin interministerial emis in luna decembrie a anului trecut prevede ca Agenţia Naţională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF) si primariile din tara ar trebui sa semneze in perioada urmatoare protocoale de cooperare care sa permita schimbul de informatii in format electronic pentru a creste nivelul de colectare a taxelor si impozitelor, dar si pentru combaterea evaziunii fiscale. Intr-un raspuns comunicat HotNews.ro, ANAF estimeaza ca până în a doua jumătate a anului 2013 toate primăriile vor participa la schimbul de date.
Confidence boost for Spain after wildly successful bond sale
And sticking with the debt markets, there has been a huge amount of demand for a new 10-year Spanish government bond.
Spain's economy minister Luis de Guindos said demand was unprecedented, with investors putting in orders for a total of €24bn bonds; while bank desks said demand reached around €17bn.
In the end, Spain reduced the interest rate it was willing to pay on the bonds because of the huge flood of demand. But still it chose only to sell €7bn of bonds to leave appetite in the market.
Spain sold the bond via a syndicate of banks, rather than a public auction. This shows a renewed confidence from the country, as it gets to set price in a syndicated bond, rather than taking whatever price investors offer in an auction.
Final pricing of the bond was a spread of midswaps plus 365bp. That's around 0.1% higher than current yields on Spanish 10-year bonds in the secondary market.
They are building a socialist superstate ar whatever cost to millions of people across europe! The introduction of the euro has done exactly what it was planned to do ... impoverish europe! But for the UK voting out Gordon Brown we would be in a similar situation for he was a fully paid up member of that communist / socialist plan of which Obama is also a signatory and is using Obamacare to achieve similar results in the USA! This will go down in history as the 3rd world war started yet again in europe once the blame game starts!
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