Sunday, December 8, 2013

La France - documentary by Russian TV crew..


Anonymous said...

Living standards to be lower in 2015 than in 2010

The Guardian can 'save' that line and just keep adding one to the figures, year by year.

That is, until it is generally realised that 'living standards' are not synonymous with 'consumerism'.

Lifestyles that give satisfaction are achievable in other ways than simply the consumption of evermore 'stuff'.

De-growth will come, willy nilly.
Better willingly than the other way.

Anonymous said...

Alogenul (naum) sa plece de la guvernare - ASTA VREA POPORUL ROMAN CRESTIN - SOVA, VOINEA SI CHITOIU TREBUIE DEMISI IMEDIAT - Voinea este incapabil, Chitoiu, analfebet, iar Sova este necopt si incompetent - altfel se duce tara de ripa - DEMItere CU IMPUTAREA PAGUBELOR CREATE ECONOMIEI NATIONALE !!! Sunt pagube de peste un miliard de Euro plus dezastrul din economia privata care a adus prejudicii serioase atit bugetului de stat cit si Romaniei . Au adus prejudicii de peste 1 miliard si bugetului UE ...asta se va vedea peste vre-o citeva luni, cind din nou, Comisia Europeana va cere despagubiri !!! AFARA CU NEAVENITII INCOMPETENTI !