The sooner this failed experiment collapses in a heap the better...
It is funny , isn't it ? The 'experts' (hacks) keep writing stories predicting the end of the Euro and mass default causing catastrophic financial mayhem, yet still it continues and the Spanish government is looking for ways to prop it up. So we see that NOTHING will derail the corrupt scam which is 'The EU'....5000 years ago man started building temples and worshiping some deity to make the rains come and the harvest good. Today we do the same only we appoint our deities and pray to them to make inflation low and employment high. Never mind that monetary policy, like the rains, can only create favorable conditions for economic growth but it cannot create it. Regulatory environments, tax policy and those old ingredients of capital, labor and technology have to be planted to get a harvest. Worshiping at the temple of Mammon only goes so far... 28 countries, each with its own national identity, each wanting something different from the EU, each with its own fiscal requirements. No wonder the EU is pulling itself apart. The sooner this failed experiment collapses in a heap the better....The people with the blinkers are those with their snouts in the Brussels trough, blind to what is actually happening in the good countries of Europe. The peoples of these sovereign nations are not melding into obedient 'Europeans' They are proud citizens of their home countries, and they are getting angrier by the day. If the freeloading elite don't come to their senses soon there is a real risk of violence, which is why idiots like you need to drop your stupid European fantasies and look to see which way the wind is blowing..
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