Sunday, July 12, 2015

Journalists are now starting to ask that awkward question, Is the EU really benign ? To draw a parallel, here is my response.  We've seen the EU control freaks demanding repeat referendums until they get their way on a national vote and we've seen them impose a president on Italy, what part of un-democratic process does it take before people wake up and realize the EU is not benign but a malignancy that is corrupting democracy.  The Common Market or EU long ago morphed into a life threatening polyp just like the one doctors found in my colon last year and luckily for me, unlike the EU, mine was still benign. However, I must have had it for several years as it had grown to the size of a large grape and had I left it any longer it could have  turned malignant just like the EU is today.  I had my polyp cut out just in time before it could have turned cancerous and made a full recovery and its time the countries in Europe cut out the cancerous parts of the EU before its too late. Remove that growing malignancy in  Brussels, make the EU the free trade area that was originally sold to us  and with luck the 'patient' might survive.  That of course is if we want EU to survive as some cancers have a nasty habit of returning !!!.. Everything you were warned about is coming true.  You were told you cannot tie together your disparate nations into one currency like some huge refugee raft and think it was going to work.  Greece is the proud  nation, and now that their skiff is going down, they're going to take you with it.  They've always been a problem from day one.  Cut 'em loose, and next time, you should listen when people tell you that you can't tie your sovereign nations together with other nations that you don't control electorally nor fiscally. . . .
Greeks are historically hard-working people, betrayed by banksters and their elected tools. The debt isn't THEIRS!! They live under a giant currency-swap turned loan-sharking scam, pushed onto these people without their consent. The people actually got 3% of the loaned money, the rest going to to JP Morgan and the rest.  In other words - only  an idiot can fall easily to whatever crap media feeds Europe ...

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