Saturday, November 12, 2011

European leaders will redraft key treaties to ensure that beleaguered economies cannot borrow or spend too much in future as a condition of receiving billions of euros in rescue packages. However, the treaty changes will involve a transfer of sovereignty, triggering an Irish referendum. The Irish vote, to be proposed at a European Union summit next month, will increase demands in Britain for a popular vote on Europe, setting off calls for referendums across Europe in countries such as Holland, Finland and France. The Government fears the pace of developments in Europe, including the imposition of "technocrat governments" in Greece and Italy, combined with a German demand for treaty change, will make a campaign for an EU referendum unstoppable. Ministers have stopped saying that they plan to use treaty change to take powers back from the EU. This follows private warnings from Germany that it is not willing to trade eurozone "fiscal union" for British opt-outs. Bill Cash, chairman of the Commons scrutiny committee, said last night he was concerned that the emergence of French plans for a twin-track Europe, regular eurozone summits and German domination of EU decision-making amounted to a serious change in Britain's place in Europe. "Despite all the talk about it being a limited treaty change this is real fundamental change," he said. "Germany is pushing with determination to have a Europe made in its own image. The changes are a fundamental change in the relationship between Britain and Europe. A referendum is absolutely demanded."


Anonymous said...

Today 12:23 AM
No, its finally hatching into the creature it has been designed to be since it was first conceived. It's up to the people to decide to be under the influence of it or not, if that's not what they want, and their government would deny it as they have, then they are in conflict with the people, and should be removed, by force if that is what is neccesary.This government is now in conflict with it's people.

Now the country finally begins to see how politicians have deceived them for more than 30 years, and still today, a British government filled with criminals, liars and servants of the E.U. beast they give succour, deny it's citizens the choice to choose to remain part of it or not.It's up to us all to demand, and if need be fight for what is right, and the control of our country even if it means bringing our own government down.

Anonymous said...

If the eurozone’s integrity would not be preserved, one should not take the
continued functioning of the internal market for granted.”

Message to technocrats of Planet Euro...

The (EU's) internal market is dysfunctional BECAUSE of the euro.

If dysfunction of the internal market is the problem then remove the cause - simple, no? Of course not, the hubris of a limited cabal of self-aggrandising and pygny-brained politicos is apparently the driving force force of Europe these days rather than the 100s of millions of citizens thereof...

Anonymous said...

One thing is certain: such a referendum can and will be couched in terms that make it impossible for the traitors who have the country by the throat to lose the vote. They will use every propaganda outlet they control and every wile they can invent to ensure they get their way. The electorate are always happy to be taken in by the big lie which offers an easy way out of an impossible dilemma. Consequently they will be offered the illusory, non-existent option of renegotiating or repatriating powers from the EUSSR which predictably will be welcomed with open arms. Easy peasy, disaster avoided and safely back to being a stagnant far flung backwater in the Franco German fascist empire as per the master plan. Most important of all the traitors will feel safe in the knowledge that their place on the imperial gravy train is assured.

Anonymous said...

wonder what the result would be if such a referendum were to be so worded:

Vote YES if you want the UK to be an independent democratic country with its own freely elected government

Vote NO if you want the UK to be province within a federation governed entirely from abroad by an unelected bureaucracy essentially modelled on the former USSR with a powerless fake talking shop masquerading as a parliament

As we were never offered such a crucial choice I think it would only be fair to spell out the reality of the situation in those or similar terms

gog said...

The reason was not just the fixing of the value of the euro to the Deutschmark, but the fixing of any weak currencies inflexibly to stronger ones. The resource cost of the euro over the past two decades must have been stupendous.

This ultimately is, and has been, the problem with Euro; to bring all economies in line, within acceptable criteria and parameters, in order for their admission into the Euro, those weaker economies had to be propped up...the cost of doing that was phenomenal...entire countries - i.e. Ireland, Greece, Portugal - were brought up to the apparent same standard of living as Germany and France...

...and no one batted an eye-lid...

...I'm a believer needing strong ties within some Pan-Euorpean context, but we should'a done better...