Saturday, January 26, 2013

Commenting on the British Prime Minister David Cameron's speech on the UK's future in the EU, the Chairman of the EPP Group, Joseph Daul, said: "I find it surprising that after forty years of partnership and common decisions, one of our Member States discovers that it is unhappy and wants to renegotiate the terms for a joint future. It is even more astonishing that it is a Conservative Prime Minister who is trying to wipe out the contributions of his predecessors: Conservative Prime Ministers such as Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan, Edward Heath, Margaret Thatcher, and John Major, who all helped forge the European Union of today. We will not renegotiate the fundamental principles which have given us peace and prosperity on this continent; principles which were negotiated and accepted by the United Kingdom for forty years.
For sixty years, Europe has worked to create a model that remains a beacon for the rest of the world, one that received last year's Nobel Peace Prize. Europe is no longer just about the nation state. It never was just a Single Market, a single currency or a set of common standards. Europe is above all a community of shared destiny with common values, founded on solidarity and responsibility.
The Prime Minister's speech is a retreat from these common values and a retreat from a shared common future. The United Kingdom was always at its highest point when it was working with its partners, not retreating from them. Today, I worry that this has been done for electoral purposes more than for the benefit of the British citizens. Europe cannot be taken hostage until 2017.
I want the United Kingdom to be a full Member State of the European Union but, I want a European Britain, just as I want a European France, a European Germany. Europe needs 27 Member States which are fully European. More than anything, we need a united Europe, an integrated Europe, a political Europe and I believe each Member State can contribute to this."


Anonymous said...

Britain is on course for an unprecedented triple-dip recession and the country’s top-tier credit rating is under severe threat after the economy shrank by 0.3pc in the final three months of 2012.

Anonymous said...

So manufacturing factories have seen their output FALL by almost 2% this year.

Osborne, you f*cking retard, whatever happened to your "march of the makers"????

I have said again and again that the government needs to PROTECT AND PROMOTE British industry against foreign competitors, but they refuse to do this.

All we get rom this bunch of retards is a lot of hot air. Talk, talk, talk, but never any action.

Thank god I didn't vote for them, at least I'm not guilty.

Anonymous said...

France, US & Japan all lost their AAA status and their bonds still trade either inside most of the gilt yield curve or very close to it.

Domestic demands for gilts is so strong from the insurance companies and pension funds (even excluding the BoE buying them all back themselves) that I can't see a big spike in yields which this rather poor quality article hints at.

Anonymous said...

Scientists have announced that they may have discovered a previously unknown level of incompetence.
‘We have hypothesized for a long time that a level of proficiency so incredibly small as to be almost undetectable could theoretically occur, but now it appears that we may be close to proving its existence’, said leading researcher Dr Tony Crust.Incompetence research enjoyed its golden age in the 1970’s when the Clueless, the Useless, and the Hopeless elements were all discovered, but it was probably the discovery of the Total Fuckwit, just a few years ago, which revitalized the entire field and led directly to this newest breakthrough. Scientists have dubbed this latest discovery the Osborne Particle.‘The Osborne Particle, if confirmed, will represents a level of capability several magnitudes below even the Total Fuckwit’ Explained Dr Crust. ‘It really is almost impossible to overstate just how small a level of competence we are talking about here’(repost)

Anonymous said...

Ieşirea Greciei din Zona Euro şi eventuala desfiinţarea a monedei europene agitau spiritele, anul trecut, în staţiunea eleveţiană care reuneşte în fiecare ianuarie, cele mai mari figuri ale politicii şi afgacerilor din Lume.Acum, perspectiva oricât de improbabilă a ieşirii Marii Britanii din Uniunea Europeană face obiectul întâlnirilor bilaterale, mai mult sau mai puţin secrete, de la Davos, notează Reuters. Prim-ministrul britanic David Cameron a beneficiat de o primire călduroasă la Davos când s-a adresat forumului ca preşedinte a Grupului celor 8 cele mai industrializate ţări ale lumii, cu un apel vibrant pentru încheierea de acorduri de liber schimb, pentru piețe mai deschise, o mai mare concurență și pentru reprimarea evaziunii fiscale, relatează Reuters. Dar comentariile lui Cameron cu privire la UE au creat disensiuni. „A îmbarca țările într-o uniune politică centralizată ar fi o mare greșeală pentru Europa, iar Marea Britanie nu ar putea să nu fie părtaşă la aşa ceva", a declarat el. Anul trecut, elita economică de la Davos se agăța de fiecare cuvânt al cancelarului german Angela Merkel. În cele din urmă, Germania a acceptat o creştere a Fondurilor de salvare a euro, dar punctul de cotitură al crizei a fost angajamentul din iulie al preşedintelui Băncii Centrale Europene Mario, de a face tot ce este nevoie pentru a apăra euro. Totuşi, „instabilitatea actuală din zona euro va continua să modeleze perspectivele globale în următorii ani", potrivit unui sondaj realizat la Davos printre 1.000 de experți și directori financiari. Întrebată care este cea mai mare îngrijorare ei a fost pentru anul 2013, Christine Lagarde, directorul general al FMI, a enumerat: problemele fiscale ale Statelor Unite, Japoniei și ale Europei, și menținerea ritmului reformei economice structurale în toate cele trei regiuni. WEF Global raportul Riscuri, întocmit cu câteva săptămâni înainte de reuniunea Davos, listat Totdată, o posibilă cădere a sistemului financiar global este una dintre primele cinci preocupări, potrivit unui studiu WEF, lansat înaintea forumului.