Friday, January 16, 2015

...what a we'll see the "benefits of the EU"...

Getting the American or British or European public deeper into debt via QE bond buying schemes by their respective governments, has already put them or will put them into further "hock" for generations! And all this just to pump up "bank balance sheets" is ludicrous! It's far better to get rid of the vampires at the central banks and have governments everywhere start printing their own currency on good faith - without all the ridiculous debt!
Minimum wage, temporary jobs and wild speculation in the markets have replaced “real growth” while central banks such as the BoE, the FED, the IMF and the FED-backed ECB have created “A sow’s ear from a silk purse” when it comes to the major and minor economies of the civilized world!
The stockholders of the central banks' main concern is not the public interest or the general welfare - but to enslave Europe further into debt with the backing of the "hot air" dollar! This they have already achieved...and now they want everyone begging for QE as well! This just means more astronomical debt for all European governments and final control by the bankers!
Jackson was the only president to successfully get rid of the central bank of the United States and enjoy debt free currency for a generation. Lincoln also successfully funded the civil war with debt free currency! Kennedy also injected billions of debt-free silver certificates into the economy before the bankers had his brains blown out by a hit team! It's time to get rid of the buggers at the central banks for a more decent and fair world! The stockholders of the central banks need to be thrown into jail for crimes against humanity and then drawn and quartered for a start!...
So, it was 1,25 Francs for the euro. Now is 1 franc for the euro. The Real Euro Central Bank- The Swiss central Bank,the Rock of Money knowledge, having more euros than the ECB , got richer, very liquid....The more the ECB prints,the richer they go. ... Ok, they had to disclose for that many info,almost loose the banking secret, but they stash for the bad times. And there are ways for the safe haven to keep on.   The people who were betting on the Euro against the Franc were delusional years ago.  How it will backfire, this denial, in which the Eurozone is?... Well, they think they will sell more - to the Apache Indians.  And something will trickle down to the....... ( object missing).....?
The same goes with the other pals in the story- The QE Delirium Tremens syndrome is approaching, especially if you do not eat after you drink a lot.

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