Showing posts with label CNVM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNVM. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

....Move on, nothing to see here....or is it ?

At least the French have a convincing politician to whom they can turn.  She also doesn't pull her punches on the unmitigated and undeniable social and cultural disaster that is mass immigration.  All we have in our political class are varying degrees of effete, self serving liars, traitors and multi-cult fetishists.
Mrs Le Pen said her first order of business on setting foot in the Elysee Palace will be to announce a referendum on EU membership, "rendez vous" one year later. "I will negotiate over the points on which there can be no compromise. If the result is inadequate, I will call for withdrawal," she said. It is no longer an implausible prospect. "We cannot be seduced," she said, brimming with confidence after her party secured 46pc of the vote in a by-election earthquake a week ago. Her candidate trounced the ruling Socialists in their own bastion of Villeneuve-sur-Lot.  "The euro ceases to exist the moment that France leaves, and that is our incredible strength. What are they going to do, send in tanks?" she told the Daily Telegraph at the Front National's headquarters, an unmarked building tucked away in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Her office is small and workaday, almost austere. "Europe is just a great bluff. One side there is the immense power of sovereign peoples, and on the other side are a few technocrats," she said. For the first time, the Front National is running level with the two governing parties of post-War France, Socialists and Gaullistes. All are near 21pc in national polls, though the Front alone has the wind in its sails. Yet it is the detail in the Villeneuve vote that has shocked the political class. The Front scored highest in the most Socialist cantons, a sign that it may be breaking out of its Right-wing enclaves to become the mass movement of the white working class....
Asked if she intends to pull France of the euro immediately, she said: "Yes, because the euro blocks all economic decisions. France is not a country that cannot accept tutelage from Brussels," she said. Officials will be told to draw up plans for the restoration of the franc. Eurozone leaders will face a stark choice: either work with France for a "sortie concertee" or coordinated EMU break-up: or await their fate. Mrs Le Pen fears that other EMU states will resist and let "financial Armaggedon" run its course, but it is a risk that has be taken. Her plan is based on a study by economists from l'École des Hautes Études in Paris led by Professor Jacques Sapir. It concludes that France, Italy, and Spain would all benefit greatly from EMU-exit, restoring lost labour competitiveness at a stroke without years of depression. They say the eurozone's North-South imbalances have already gone beyond the point of no return. Attempts to reverse this by deflation and wage cuts must entail mass unemployment and loss of the industrial core. The current strategy of internal devaluation is self-defeating in any case, since recession causes debt ratios to climb faster. 
No mention of this Euro bombshell in: Der Spiegel, El Pais, BBC
and very little in Le Monde....Move on, nothing to see here.
There is hope, real hope, that the Euro monster will implode.
And before you call me racist, I love Europe, the culture and the people. I am a European....Please don't get me wrong. I deplore the EU and all it claims to stand for (itself)!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So, as a good socialist I transfer the debt to the average Joe

The vast majority of the EU states are socialist, so I believe, the main aim of socialism is to transfer wealth from those that have to those that have not to make it a fairer society.--- So as a good socialist I transfer the debt to the average Joe tax payer to protect the wealth of shareholders, bondholders and depositors. So Joe tax payer gets poorer and the rich get richer.---So I am a capitalist, I believe in a free market....Joe tax payer is protected for small amounts by the government i.e. all taxpayers. Its just insurance really Joe taxpayer has already paid for with his taxes. The bank goes bust free market forces. The shareholders, bondholders and wealthy depositors get stuffed. Wealth redistribution at a stroke with out the need for expensive tax collection and redistribution....I am sure all the educated people will tell me were I am going wrong....The wealthy by winning the competition have power to circumvent the market forces. So no pure market exists or is possible, and if ever it happened it would destroy itself in monopoly. It is even doing a good job of this at the moment without this 'purity'....Question - rhetoric : With so much continuing financial doom and gloom around Europe, the Euro and Spanish banks why have European stock markets followed far East markets and risen by more than 1% on opening this morning?. Is there something happening out there in the 'markets' that only a select few are aware of?... The ECB has  let the broader M3 money supply contract for the whole eurozone late last year, badly breaching its own 4.5pc growth target. This was not purist hard-money discipline. Let us not dress it up with the bunting of ideology, or false authority. It was incompetence, on a par with the errors of 1931.
Spain’s Bankia fiasco has merely brought matters to head, though the details are shocking enough. A €4bn bail-out in mid-May. A €23bn bail-out two weeks later. You couldn’t make it up.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The most powerful department within the Romanian National Securities Commission (CNVM)

The most powerful department within the National Securities Commission (CNVM) has changed its management: Vladimir Cojocaru, one of the survivors of the SAFI and FNI scandals, has been replaced as head of the General Supervisory Department by Ciprian Copariu, former head of the Issuers Department.The main responsibilities of the National Securities Commission are the supervision and monitoring of investors and companies active on the capital market. Weaknesses in the exercise of these responsibilities have enabled situations like the SAFI Invest fraud, and the historic FNI and FNA bankruptcies to occur, scandals that severely tarnished the image of the local capital market. The move comes only a few weeks after a historic decision of the High Court of Justice in the FNI case. More specifically, on September 22nd the High Court of Cassation and Justice issued an irrevocable and enforceable decision whereby the CNVM, alongside Nicolae Popa, Ioana Maria Vlas, and other accused in the FNI case, is forced to pay damages to former FNI depositors. The amount that CNVM is set to pay for inadequate FNI supervision is 50 million euros, according to some estimates.