Mrs Le Pen said her first order of business on setting foot
in the Elysee Palace will be to announce a referendum on EU membership, "rendez
vous" one year later. "I will negotiate over the points on which there can be no
compromise. If the result is inadequate, I will call for withdrawal," she
said. It is no longer an implausible prospect. "We cannot be seduced," she said,
brimming with confidence after her party secured 46pc of the vote in a
by-election earthquake a week ago. Her candidate trounced the ruling Socialists
in their own bastion of Villeneuve-sur-Lot. "The euro ceases to exist the moment that France leaves, and that is our
incredible strength. What are they going to do, send in tanks?" she told the
Daily Telegraph at the Front National's headquarters, an unmarked
building tucked away in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Her office is small and
workaday, almost austere. "Europe is just a great bluff. One side there is the immense power of
sovereign peoples, and on the other side are a few technocrats," she said.
For the first time, the Front National is running level with the two
governing parties of post-War France, Socialists and Gaullistes. All are near
21pc in national polls, though the Front alone has the wind in its sails.
Yet it is the detail in the Villeneuve vote that has shocked the political
class. The Front scored highest in the most Socialist cantons, a sign that it
may be breaking out of its Right-wing enclaves to become the mass movement of
the white working class....
Asked if she intends to pull France of the euro immediately, she said: "Yes,
because the euro blocks all economic decisions. France is not a country that
cannot accept tutelage from Brussels," she said. Officials will be told to draw up plans for the restoration of the franc.
Eurozone leaders will face a stark choice: either work with France for a "sortie
concertee" or coordinated EMU break-up: or await their fate. Mrs Le Pen fears that other EMU states will resist and let "financial
Armaggedon" run its course, but it is a risk that has be taken. Her plan is based on a study by economists from l'École des Hautes Études in
Paris led by Professor Jacques Sapir. It concludes that France, Italy, and Spain
would all benefit greatly from EMU-exit, restoring lost labour competitiveness
at a stroke without years of depression. They say the eurozone's North-South imbalances have already gone beyond the
point of no return. Attempts to reverse this by deflation and wage cuts must
entail mass unemployment and loss of the industrial core. The current strategy
of internal devaluation is self-defeating in any case, since recession causes
debt ratios to climb faster.
No mention of this Euro bombshell in: Der Spiegel, El
Pais, BBC
and very little in Le Monde....Move on, nothing to see here.
and very little in Le Monde....Move on, nothing to see here.
There is hope, real hope, that the Euro monster will implode.
And before you call me racist, I love Europe, the culture and the people. I
am a European....Please don't get me wrong. I deplore the EU and all it claims to stand for