Thursday, November 3, 2011

DEMOCRACY IN ACTION ??? - that is indecizion, political deals and most of all the taxpayer is humiliated and left out ! Shame on the GREEK government !!!...Papandreou turns his attention to the planned referendum, which we believe has now been consigned to history (or perhaps ignominy): Again, he blames his European partners....I believe deeply in democracy, the values inherent in democracy, and when I announced the referendum ... our partners wanted everything to go like clock-work, to work robot like .... if we can't respond to our commitment the issue of the euro will be on the cards. The decision of the referendum would be a guarantee of us staying in the eurozone. What is of priority is not the referendum but whether as a country we are willing to enforce the commitments [outlined] in the October 26 agreement. I told our partners that if we had political consensus, if we could vote through the rescue package [with the main opposition party] there would be no need for other solutions. Papandreou is also saying that Greece has stared catastrophe in the face. We got a small taste, fortunately a small one but a taste nonetheless, of what saving the country means and what not saving the country would have meant. The speech is being delivered in complete silence - no applause or other supportive noises. Papandreou calls the deal agreed in Brussels last week a 'landmark' moment for Greece. Papandreou goes on to criticise some of his fellow European leaders for the way they have treated Greece: "It is clear that we have lived through scenes as a country that we didn't deserve and harmed us." he says slamming the way Merkel and Sarkozy publicly humiliated him during emergency talks in Cannes last night "telling us how to hold our referendum, defining the rules ..." Greece has a German "governor" - ande they diserve it !!!


Anonymous said...


The effort that has been made in the last two years is not my effort or your effort, it's the effort of the Greek people.

16.28 He praises opposition leader Antonis Samaras for accepting the Brussels deal. He labels it a "new political position for all of us"

16.27 On elections, Papandreou says:
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a national election would lead us to a situation where society is under a lot of pressure and I doubt that we would get to the end of this election without a bankruptcy.

the mad greek said...

Well, there you have it. Another spineless politician talking the talk but not walking the walk and motivated by saving his own sorry ass than doing the right thing.

Poor, gullible me to have believed that maybe - finally - a real leader had emerged from the pan-European glut of utter mediocrity and corruption.

Ah well, roll on Italy and the mega-bust. That calamity will do for Greece anyway when the Franco-German funny money runs out so they can't even pay what they offered the Greeks (at the point of a gun).

Things from here on in can only get worse...

...or better if you think that the people who built this nonsensical, dangerous edifice - a monument to irrational political zealotry, delusion, illusion and boundless arrogance - deserve to see it come crashing down around their ears, as I do.