Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 - Expect Barroso and Rumpy Pumpy to demand more Europe, not less! Until Barroso has "total" control, he will not be satisfied. Coming from a Maoist, this is not surprising. All those, delusional who think he has moved to the center, better think again! A leopard does not change its spots!
- Expect the ECB to shell out more 100s of billions as the European Banks are hit with more funding crisis.
- Expect the ECB and the European financial fighting fund to be downgraded as we progress through the year!
- Expect most of the European Banks, including Germanys to be downgraded further as the crisis intensifies.
- Expect Germany to consider leaving the EU and the Euro as the situation spirals out of control!
- Expect Cameron to U turn on allowing a British Referendum on leaving the EU completely!...And the biggest EU news of all: "Following the collapse of the Euro, Europe's single currency, David Cameron will be forced to hold a referendum on Britain's continued membership of the EU. It is expected that the British will vote overwhelming to leave." ....Sarkozy will lose his election....Merkel will increasingly, smooze Cameron....Talk of - "a remarkable Cameron euro rise".....The new treaty will quietly die.....EU banks will have no spare money. No loans to sick member countries. Arrangements in place for Greece to leave euro - Ireland, Portugal tipped to follow soon after.

Wellllll, enogh "good" news for now ...


Anonymous said...

I'd sooner listen to Professor Thomas Straubhaar,
boss of the Hamburg International Economics Institute than your mum.

He says (quoted from the Hamburger Abendblatt 29/12/2011):
"We expect in 2012 growth of .5 % in Germany - it's not much, but it's growth".

And remember Germany has a declining population and even BMW's
are often made outside Germany (BMW is aiming to have only 50%
made in Germany).

And Schauble is no wonk - as shrewd as they come.

Plenty of orders coming in for BMW's - particularly in China
where they build the 3's and 5's already and are adding the X1 to this.
See (but you need to be able to read German).

Anonymous said...

Wolfgang Schäuble and Christine Lagarde and a whole batch of talented
politicians (including Dr Angela Merkel) and excluding "totally out of his depth and outclassed" Cameron will sort this all out.

Seven lean years for the Eurozone (see Thomas Straubhaar) - but it will come out of it better and stronger.

Meanwhile the UK needs to re-invent itself - financial conjuring
has no long-term benefits, while providing goods and services needed
by the rest of the word has....

Anonymous said...

I think the man is right and suppose I always have. Sadly the greedy clan will be back after their holidays next week we will have to see what they are going to do, has the currency gained enough for them?

The biggest challenge is that no-one has done anything about these ferrals, they can still unilaterally decimate any currency, bond or commodity likewise hike the same, that is too much power, too much volatility, and, too much manipulation. Just so long as they realise that history dictates that when such things have happened in the past there has always been a balancing weight applied! Sometimes history has been very cruel, there again we have seen recently mans inhumanity to man seems to know no bounds over trivialities, this has hardly been trivial!

A Happy New Year to you all may 2012 see you content and happy but not at the expense of others!

Anonymous said...

"Asked whether he could rule out the 17-nation eurozone breaking up, Schäuble was quoted as saying: "According to everything that I know at the moment, yes."

Oh - I feel so much better now that a single, pen-pushing German politico wonk says it's all fine.

My Mum says that Chinese fly-by-night production facilties are on the turn; that much fewer people will putting in an order for a new BMW Series 5 this year...or a new Merc for that matter; that Hungary, Latvia and Romania are basket cases just ready to topple; that the Greeks and Irish are going to default all the way to 2020. I believe her, even though her Excel is a little shaky.