EUROPE will speak german - "Free" as long as you: Pay 50 million a day membership fees ; Agree to sanctions if your GDP debt deficit is more than 3 % ; Accept that we shall oversee and approve your budgets from Brussels/ Frankfurt HQ ; Rob you of the right to vote ; Impose further Tobin taxes on your financial transactions ; Impose the will of a European Commision of 27 unelected Kommisars and its Communist President many of whom have been Communists or former Supreme Soviet activists upon you.The EU is an evil institution. It is systematically removing the power of people to have any say in what happens to them. It is turning people into slaves rather than free people. It removes the democratically elected leaders of nations which criticize it, and then it replaces them with their unelected puppets. And all to further the agenda of the financial and political elites who hide in the shadows behind it. SHUT IT DOWN NOW, AND TRY THE LOT OF THEM FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE. The powers behind the EU (read banking elites) are removing democratically elected leaders of nations and then replacing them with their unelected henchmen (more bankers). And all to further their power mad agenda. You sir, need to get treatment in order to remove your head from your anus. Maybe then, you would be able to remove the crap from your eyes, which would in turn allow you to see what is actually going on. Free trade zone my backside, everything is being controlled by those who have been wrongly given the power to issue our currencies. Standard & Poor's warned France, Germany and 13 other eurozone members before last week's summit they faced a possible downgrade amid worsening economic conditions. But economists said France, which has been under the shadow of a downgrade for months, could fall further and faster than others despite the agreement reached in
Europe on rules for budget-tightening. France, the second-biggest economy in the eurozone, was the only AAA country singled out for a possible two-notch credit downgrade because of growth predictions seen as too optimistic, the threat of recession, budget cuts judged to be inadequate and the exposure of its banks to the sovereign debt crisis in Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain.
A Reuters survey of 13 economists found 11 thought France would be downgraded by one of the major ratings agencies within the next three months. That would cause serious difficulties for Nicolas Sarkozy's 2012 re-election battle because he has staked his campaign on his personal ability to lead France out of the economic crisis. A downgrade could push the government to hurriedly introduce a third austerity plan, after two rounds of limited budget cuts and tax rises in recent months. Unlike Britain, France has focused chiefly on tax rises rather than sweeping spending cuts. "If we lose the triple A, I'm dead," the president was recently reported saying in private. A poll this weekend found just over half of French people feared a credit rating downgrade would have a big impact on their daily lives. A one-notch cut would hit the country with extra interest payments of up to €3bn (£2.5bn) a year if the markets react by pushing up bond yields.
you watch when the commisioner calls on Italy and greece you have done wrong sanctions will follow
instead of being self ruling nations they will be reduced to provinces
in the case of italy the german commissioner will not allow politicians to have sex with underage girls
There are several ethnic groups of "pygmy", each with their own name, in central Africa and South East Asia. Nick Clegg is infering that pygmies are inferior peoples, which is totally unacceptable. I am appalled that this has come from the mouth of a so-called Liberal. If someone "right wing" referred to pygmies is such a derogatory manner, there would be an hysterical witch hunt co-ordinated the BBC.
Sure enough, Cleggie is already trying to reverse the substance of Friday morning's deal, arguing that the eurozone states should be able to use EU structures and mechanisms rather than having to establish their own institutions. This would, of course, make a mockery of the veto, and I can't imagine David Cameron would countenance it – although, as I argue in the MoS, our Brussels apparatchiki will work frantically to convince him.
Britain's strategic aim should be to provide for the development of two parallel bodies: the European Union (EU) and the Fiscal Union (FU). The former should be allowed to subside gradually into an amplified free trade area, while the latter becomes a federation. I suspect that, at that stage, the numbers would be far more evenly matched than 26 to one.
FU is, indeed, precisely the attitude that many eurozone leaders seem to take to their voters. You're unhappy about the loans-for-austerity racket? FU! You'd prefer a devaluation to endless poverty? FU! You don't see why your business has to close so that the euro can hold together? FU!
Thank Heaven we've stayed out.
source telegraph
If Britain had never joined the EU – if we had had the good sense to negotiate a Swiss-style free trade accord – do you imagine that either of the two main front benches would now be proposing membership?
The European project was presented to us as an essentially economic proposition. Yes, we'd lose an element of our democratic self-government, but in return we'd get prosperity. Does anyone, looking at what is happening across the Channel, still believe that? It's now clear that we have confined ourselves in an indebted and dwindling customs union, while foolishly standing aside from the parts of the world which are growing – including the markets of the Commonwealth and the wider Anglosphere. We are held in this uncomfortable position by the force of bureaucratic intertia – what Milton Friedman called 'the tyranny of the status quo'
Firstly the Sweedish, Irish and Fins have to agree. The last two Irish votes did not do so well for the EU.
Second if we do threaten to pull out the French and Germans will try to find a route to get our Money we are one of the main fuinders of the EU.
Thirdly this may not be so bad for UK Plc.
We can Get all EU individuals to get Working Visas and dump out those we don't need.
Printers will be happy as they can produce new non EU passports and Driving Licences.
We can add a toll similoar to the Swiss one to motorists coming in including Euro Trucks.
Finally now we know the French don't like us we can stop buying thier products and they can have a real reason top hate us.
My advice is Firm don't buy French and German if you really want to hurt them.
If the Euro is such a disaster and some of the countries in the Euro Zone have no chance of ever paying their debts then why are the bondholders of these particular countries not making up their mind to get out with something while they still can.
I can only conclude that either they are hoping for a miracle based on some kind, rich and gullible country agreeing to redeem the debt at par (are you listening Angela?) or they have all looked over the edge at what would happen if they all headed for the hills at the same time. As the markets are devoid of emotion I can only think they have looked over the edge and decided that while they know the Emperor has no clothes they might as well continue to pretend that he has when the undoubtedly scary alternatives are considered.
Maybe if you are sitting in some European Banks looking at your Special Investment Vehicles and the result of politically correct stress tests then reality has to be suspended anyway and compared to them the Eurobonds look gold plated.
My point is that Messrs Sarkozy and Merkel seem to me to have the markets by the balls, if the so called investors can take all the political garbage that has been pushed before them over the past year and more and done nothing then why should the EU elites not write a new treaty, why not call it a step towards fiscal union, the markets will sit still for it in the hope it is alright on the night, after all the rabbit is still in the headlights and showing no signs of moving.
The only hope is that those who are going to pay for it all, i.e. the poor bloody infantry, the voters, will decide enough is enough and take control over the whole sorry mess.
If only!!!!!
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