Red carpets, pageantry, tuxedos, and "Deutschland Uber Ales".
THE RUSSIAN BEAR - Widespread reports of fraud in last Sunday's national parliamentary election have galvanized an opposition long marginalized by repressive policies and by state-run news media that virtually ignored them. Protests, some attracting thousands, rolled on for three consecutive nights in Moscow and St. Petersburg after the election showed unexpectedly fierce anger against the government and Prime Minister Putin's ruling United Russia party. United Russia suffered losses of more than 20 percent of seats it previously held in the State Duma, and critics and local election observers say even that result was inflated by fraud. Smoldering resentment caught fire, largely through social media, and the country on Saturday expects to see a massive protest rally in Moscow and demonstrations in some 70 other cities."This will be a watershed step in the development our democracy. We expect it to become the biggest political protest in 20 years," Ilya Ponomarev of the Left Front opposition group said Friday.There may soon be a symbol to the protests: white ribbons. A group of activists sent up a web site urging people to wear them in support of Saturday's demonstrations. They're not yet visible on Moscow's streets but some opposition leaders and even TV presenters are wearing them in their lapels.....
But... we are more into red carpets, pageantry, tuxedos, and "Deutschland Uber Ales". All of this goes to prove that the Ribbentrop -Molotov treatie is being implemented with vengeance and that the Russian Bear will fish the European ponds and The German Boot will stamp allover our nations without remorse !!! Beware of the German criminal record !
Mr Osborne dismissed the suggestion that Britain would lose influence within the EU after Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to veto a new European Union treaty, saying the Government will still maintain the ability to shape decisions in Brussels.
"Britain will always be at the table when our interests are being discussed, and when the things that matter to the British economy are being discussed," Mr Osborne insisted.
Mr Cameron refused to back a treaty to create a "fiscal union" among eurozone members after Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, led objections to his “unacceptable” demands for legal protections for the City of London.
The Chancellor claimed Government had claimed a victory not just for Britain but for all 27 full members of EU.
"We're not exiting the European Union, we are actually protecting the European Union as an institution that serves all its 27 members including Britain."
If the eurozone want to do further integration they are going to have to do it without using the European Union treaties, that is a substantial win for Britain protecting our national interest."
What Romania should have done ...and many others ...but, NO GUTS!!!!!OR CORRUPTION TO THE MAX !!!! JUST AS INTHE CASE OF BASESCU...negotiation in Brussels to the treaty was hailed by some jubilant Tory Euro-sceptics, but means that the UK was facing isolation in Europe as all 26 of the other EU member states agreed to go ahead with a separate accord on a ''fiscal compact'' for the euro.
"What I've done is make sure Britain's interests were protected," said Mr Cameron defending his choice of vetoing the treaty.
"There was a treaty on the table, which didn't adequately protect Britain's interests, so I didn't go along with it. I think that's my job."
He insisted that Britain's influence in the EU will be maintained dismissing suggestions that the UK would be isolated, as the other 26 nations conduct discussions without a British representative at the table.
"You've got everyone else in the room saying give up your national interests, just go along with what everyone else wants, that would be the easy, comfortable, convenient thing to do. But it wasn't the right thing to do, so you've got to stick to your guns."
If you are in a room full of sometimes sensible people acting hysterically, and a bit like idiots, a veto is the right thing.
The Depression of 2012 was not unleashed by Cameron today. If it happens, it will be result of years of mismanagement of europe bu former communist party officials like merkel and jerks like sarkozy et. co.
Cameron had to say `No`-if he had endorsed the onslaught on the City then Tory party coffers would have dried up. He would have been called a Quisling and soon disposed off.
This is not Dunkirk-Cameron has done the very least he should to defend British interests. How about honouring the Referendum pledge ?
Merkel is playing Sarkozy like a puppet she is making the bullets and he is firing them. She has played to his vanity and he has been conned out of getting anything of what he wanted and she everything. It went a bit wrong though because she did promise the cities scalp as a bait to hook him to follow her lead. They underestimated Dave because his normal demeanour of Mr push over did not work out as he found a bit of back bone and and spoiled the plan. Once again Britain is reduced to playing David against Goliath all we can hope is the result is the same. As usual every cloud has a silver lining. Sarkozy must by now have woken up to the fact that he has been duped and that what he needed to help him get re-elected is not going to be forthcoming namely that Germany was going to save France by allowing QE and euro bonds. So now his re-election looking already uncertain is non existent. Pity for France what they got is not up to much but what they are going to get is 10 times worse another socialist, you know the ones that give 35 hour weeks and tax employing workers out of the reach of only the largest organisations, President.
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