Thursday, August 9, 2012

I have yet to meet any French or Germans who want to keep the Euro.

Germany led the way with regard to the Euro, due mainly to the enormous financial benefits it would reap. There is no problem with that if we accept that nation states should act in their own best interest...."Bundestag president Norbert Lammert said parliament’s integrity cannot be subordinated to the ups and downs of the markets. Free Democrat (FDP) leaders said Italy’s unelected prime minister is playing with political fire by trying to circumvent democratic legitimacy.
The dispute comes as relations between Germany and Italy touch the lowest ebb since the Second World War, with Il Giornale publishing a front-page picture of Chancellor Angela Merkel under the headline “Fourth Reich”. "..This is funny... the Germans complaining about Mr Monti not being elected... He was elected... by Merkel and Sarkozy!!! and their puppy Barroso...Wait for Berlusconi to come back with a proper election in Italy and see where you are with your Euro! However, Germany now insists that there must be financial union to support this currency; but on Germany's terms, and with no risk to their financial systems. It is not good enough to state that they are paying for the bailouts - the idea of the EU is that all are equal and it is their DUTY to give this support. If they believe differently then they can hardly be called "good europeans".The euro, as predicted from the very beginning, has proved to be in nobody's long-term interests; it gave a short term limited boost to to weaker economies but has ended up being the agent of destruction for their economies. It was only ever the zealot's attempt to create the EUSSR as a single country. Well, hell mend them. Let it go and stop pouring good money after bad keeping it up. I've yet to meet any French or Germans who want to keep the Euro.

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