Saturday, November 17, 2012

Opinion ....2...

Disaster was visited on the global economy 40 years ago with the Nixon 'shock' - the disengagement between the dollar and gold and other currencies with gold via their linkage with the dollar. That is the demise of the Bretton Woods agreement.
With the end of that arrangement countries were now free to create as much money as they liked and run as big a trade deficit as they liked. Under Bretton Woods, any trade defict had to be quickly reversed by cutting demand to maintain parity with the dollar and therefore gold
In 1963 Reginald Maudling tried to stimulate the UK economy only for UK business to fail to meet demand and so sucked in imports. That stimulus had to be quickly reversed. The same 10 years later with Anthony Barbour. The failure of Brits to create wealth goes back way before Margaret Thatcher. And way before GCSEs - but that's another matter.
Of course, Germany was the exception as the Bundesbank was not about to engage in this game of Monopoly.
Like all frauds, it starts small and the fraudster, having got away with it, then becomes more ambitious.
By 2007 the global economy had split into two camps - those who could create wealth, Germany (being smart and well-organised) and China (using slave labour) being the two prme examples, and those who could only consume wealth, the UK and US being the best examples. The US having exported a large chunk of its wealth creating capacity to the likes of China for the benefit of the few
The circle being squared with debt.
The Anglo-saxons convinced themseleves that crazy maths could be used to make even the worst debt perform.
In an attempt to maintain this farce from 2008 onwards the fraudsters now went one better by a quasi-monetisation of debt, quantative easing. Rather than solve the basic problem of not creating wealth they reach for their trusty tools of deceit and fraud.
Having got over the last few years with quasi-monestisation the UK, like all confident fraudsters, now becomes more confident and goes for full monetisation as Osborne claws back interest payments on bonds owned bythe BoE. One of the attributes of fraudsters is being adept at the use of convoluted logic to defy logic.
Eventually they will also write off the capital value of these bonds.
That gives a short breathing space but just as qe has solved nothing neither will that. The 'grand plan' seems to hope something will turn up.
But still there is this huge global trade imbalance that is being addressed by the default of everything just winding down as the there are fewer and fewer buyers for the sellers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After cameras left the photo-op of President Barack Obama and congressional leaders at the White House on Friday, the actual meeting got under way with the president explaining how he would like to resolve the fiscal cliff and tackle deficit