
The rug is part of more than 2,000 items looted by the leading Nazi, who killed himself after being sentenced to the death penalty at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.
An investigation by journalists working for news magazine Der Spiegel revealed the true history of the Persian rug, which has caused embarrassment for the German leader. Mrs Merkel is preparing to make her third bid for power this Autumn, and is said to be furious with her aides over the revelations . It is understood the rug will be removed from view by the end of the week. The former state minister for culture Michael Naumann has now urged the government to force the return of Nazi looted items to their rightful owners or their heirs.
"The legislature must concretise their return," he said. "More money must also be used for research in German museums." The timing of the revelation is even more embarrassing as it comes hours after Holocaust Memorial Day, held on Sunday January 27..... In a podcast on her website, Mrs Merket said: "Naturally, we have an everlasting responsibility for the crimes of national-socialism, for the victims of World War II, and above all, for the Holocaust.
An investigation by journalists working for news magazine Der Spiegel revealed the true history of the Persian rug, which has caused embarrassment for the German leader. Mrs Merkel is preparing to make her third bid for power this Autumn, and is said to be furious with her aides over the revelations . It is understood the rug will be removed from view by the end of the week. The former state minister for culture Michael Naumann has now urged the government to force the return of Nazi looted items to their rightful owners or their heirs.
"The legislature must concretise their return," he said. "More money must also be used for research in German museums." The timing of the revelation is even more embarrassing as it comes hours after Holocaust Memorial Day, held on Sunday January 27..... In a podcast on her website, Mrs Merket said: "Naturally, we have an everlasting responsibility for the crimes of national-socialism, for the victims of World War II, and above all, for the Holocaust.
We’re facing our history, we’re not hiding anything, we’re not repressing anything. We must confront this to make sure we are a good and trustworthy partner in the future, as we already are today, thankfully."It is unclear how another Goering carpet ended up in the chancellor's office in Berlin. The West German government in 1966 declared the task of reuniting owners with their stolen property to be 'concluded.'
But tapestry from the same collection as the rug in Mrs Merkel's office adorns the walls of a government guest house on the outskirts of Bonn.
But tapestry from the same collection as the rug in Mrs Merkel's office adorns the walls of a government guest house on the outskirts of Bonn.
If you travel through germany ...you'll see endless numbers of looted art and other items by the natzy's during the wars ....germans are a nation of killers. looters and criminals
Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank’s chief, said a collapse of EU debt talks with Cyprus or a forced restructuring would “undo the positive mood” that has calmed European markets since July.
Mr Draghi told Der Spiegel that Cypriot banks are big enough to pose a systemic risk to the eurozone. They conduct 40pc of their operations in Greece and are a key part of the Greek banking system.
In a jab at German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble – a lawyer – Mr Draghi said banking experts rather than lawyers should make the judgment on contagion risks from Cyprus. His comments came after Mr Schauble suggested that Cyprus is too small to matter.
A chorus of voices in the Bundestag insists on tough terms for the island,
citing a leaked report from Germany’s intelligence services that Nicosia is a money-laundering hub for the Russian mafia. German Social Democrats say they will not back funds for “organised crime”, leaving Chancellor Angela Merkel scrambling for votes to push through a rescue
Olli Rehn, the EU’s currency chief, fears that failure to back Cyprus could once again shatter trust, setting off fresh capital flight .
“It’s essential that everybody realises that a disorderly default of Cyprus could lead to an exit of Cyprus from the eurozone,” he said. “It would be extremely stupid to take any risk of that nature.”
Dmitris Drakopoulos from Nomura said forced haircuts would violate an EU pledge not to repeat private losses imposed in Greece. “If they mishandle this, it could be dangerous for Portugal. Who could then be sure they wouldn’t do the same there ?” he said.
There are four ills in the world that never lead to anything prosperous, happy or good:
1. Islam, 2. Communism, 3. Socialism, 4. Crony capitalism
And yes, in that order.
And if you want to avoid the miseries they bring, you got to be a goalkeeper and do everything in your power to stop it from seeping in. You can't live with blinders and imagine any of them can live side-by-side with you and it will all be just fine. If you do, it always turns into a disaster. All four of them want to consume and rule others without any regard for personal liberties, no matter what it takes. This means they will push you closer and closer into a corner until they take you over. And that will be the end of it.
I've been telling many times that France is the next country to beg for a bailout and they have been lying about their financial affairs. Long before they admitted having any problems at all.
I told ten years ago the U.S. would fall into a financial disaster, which will eventual push a dollar collapse.
One of the core reasons France is collapsing is their immigrant numbers (the ones they brought in from 1970 onwards). The massive majority of these immigrants are permanent benefit recipients, occupy most of prisons, have no skills, come from extremist societies and refuse to be a responsible citizen. They will not pay tax, they will not integrate, they cost massive amounts of money for the crimes they commit, housing, healthcare, security, transport, child production and what not.
And like in Britain roughly 70% of France's immigrants live on benefits. And very few will change and turn around. France now has an internal immigrant production machine (baby production) by these very people that churn out more and more of their own destructive kind. The country refuses to remove these immigrants from their nation, so they have nowhere to go but becoming bankrupt.
Combine this with an insane socialist revulsion to any form of capitalism at all, and a strong union running the country, and you have a disaster where no one comes up with an idea exactly who will pay for this black hole.
Had France not brought in millions of the worse immigrants on earth they could have survived in their socialist haven for a couple of more decades.
It is not difficult to see what condition a nation is truly in. You just need to stay in them for awhile and watch the condition of society, what kind of people live in it, if crime is common or not, what kind of crime happens and by whom. You can pretty much paint an accurate map of a nation and society by staying alert, making note of visible changes and putting the pieces together.
Hold your breath, dear friends.
France has a free university, school system.The medical coverage is universal and there are no waiting lists. Unemployed have 75 % of their salary paid for 2 years.The average working week is 35 hours.The country has not technically been in recession yet,while England starts its 3rd recession since 2008.
The private savings in France can cover entirely the public debt, while in the UK the private debt is bigger than the public deficit.And to kill an old idea , France is a net payer to the UE.
When Sapin talks about bankrupcy, he says "we can t do more".
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