About 1.68 million Romanians are thought to be informally employed, but the Labour Inspection Department is not scaring anyone. Today, Premier Emil Boc, who took the interim reins of the Labour Ministry, will meet with the representatives of the Interior Affairs Ministry and with those of the Labour Inspection Department to discuss fighting informal employment. "The low unemployment rate may conceal informal employment. This is not out of the question, considering that as the registered unemployment rate has gone down and the unemployment rate measured by polls, which also includes informal employment, has gone up. However, I think the decline in unemployment rate is caused by the fact that people no longer register as jobless with the employment agencies once their benefits expire,' said Nicolae Chideşciuc, ING Bank's chief economist.(Z.F.)2012 maya profetie apocalipsa sfarsitul arhiva articole basescu mafia comentarii mesaje articole cititori conspiratie noua ordine conspiratie noua ordine satana 666 crize europene distrugerea romaniei diverse diverse romania tragedie diverse triunghiul bermudelor manipulare euroregiuni romania tinutul secuiesc conspiratie UE iliuminati noua ordine masonerie francmasonerie conspiratie masonerie francmasonerie conspiratie romania dezastru monstrii creaturi satanice chupacabra new age satanism nibiru shambala agartha pamantul gol teoria conspiratiei teoria conspiratiei manipulare putere minciuna tibet Korösi Csoma Sándor secui teoria conspiratiei noua ordine tragedia romaniei wikileaks romania
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